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Luna's Journal

May 31, 20xx

School Just Finished a few hours ago, Bearen and VOwlentine (I hate myself for those puns) is supposed to meet me at my place later tonight for a celebatory game of Minecraft. Can't believe we graduated together, I expected myself to fail but I "passed" with a few C's. I swear if they pull another stunt like that I'm gonna do something, that was so reckless of them but I'm glad they did it. The humilation I would've sufferred if I had to retake 12th grade, I wouldn't live it down. On the brighter side, we're supposed to beat the ender dragon and I'd say everything is ready. I'm sure Eren would be glad to take down that scaly, the amount of furry jokes people made about him was funny at first, until that weird anime girl was involved. Yeesh. Anyways that's enough writing for today, I never understood the point of a journal but if my Mom is so insistent on it.. nothing will change her mind. Plus, the extra allowance is nice, I'll get that necklace for them one day! I think my pen is starting to run ou