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Valentine's Journal

August 18, 200x

I hate bullies, why do people always have to pick on the kids who stand out and are different from everybody? we need justice in our school systems!! one day i'll be a police officer and arrest all the bullies to teach them a lesson. that will show them :). why am i talking about bullies you ask nosy reader? or my mom, hi mom, i'll do my homework i promise. well today i saw a bunch of bullies picking on this kid and i used my martial arts training to scare them off, or at least tried to... but that's not what i'll tell my friends. the teacher came and scolded them and i talked to the kid to make sure he was okay and WOW. he had these cool looking ears and a tail! like a dog! who would want to bully somebody that's like that, he said his name was Eren and i invited him to hang out for recess and he's pretty cool in my book. he said he was a werewolf and i think my mom was talking about werewolves last week about a movie called twilight. he's in a different class from me though so i hope to find him again tomorrow. i need to take more lessons if i want to actually fight off the bullies though so i'll ask my mom.

November 14, 200x

That kid, Eren, sat next to me at lunch today. He's nice, I'm glad we're friends. I'm thinking of letting him write in this notebook with me, then it can be our spy messages! Mum won't let me buy invisible ink though, so i'm saving my pocket money. But yeah, he seems fun. Plus, his werewolf ears are really soft! I really wanna see what makes him a werewolf though, but he won't show me, said it's too scary. but I'm never scared, police officers can't be scared! i'll ask him again tomorrow, first off I gotta find some invisible ink.

March 10, 200x

Uh, hi there, this is Eren, Valentine's friend. I don't really write in journals but she's making me do it for memories so I guess I'll try it. Uh, I'm not sure what to write here. I guess how I feel? Well next week is spring break, Valentine is inviting me to her house to hangout, she said she's taking guitar lessons so I'm excited to see her play but she's not too confident about her skill which I'm sure is fine. I never really had a friend before, so I'm glad for Valentine, she's one of the first people to not tease me, I hope we stay friends. Recess is almost over so I gotta leave for Social Studies. Bye Valentine, Bye Valentine's Mom.

February 23, 201x

Today was such a busy day at school today, try say that 5 times fast. We have a bunch of tests this week and a science project we gotta work on from home, it's like work never ends for me. At least Eren is my partner for this one, he's way better at this science stuff than me but of course I'll help out too, him being smart at science isn't the only reason I'm friends with him, he's really friendly, always willing to help, hell, he's a cool werewolf with cute ears.. uhm, I'm glad he agreed to come over my apartment after school to help me with the rocket though, it'd be nice to hangout with him again, even if it is for school. We never have the time to anymore with all this work.