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Portfolio: Eren Kei

He's fine, absolutely fine, he has to be fine. Just kidding, no, no he's not fine, he's losing it so bad. How long can he keep going on like this. He's losing himself. Make him stop, please. He can't keep going like this. Cutting himself, inflicting pain on himself, in the name of relieving himself, gives him comfort that he is still alive? Human? That he still bleeds? Who knows, I don't know anymore. He's trying so hard, but he just wants to give up, what is keeping him going? Love? Friends? Self preservation? He knows he can't go through with it. He's at a standstill, he just wants to do it but can't, leaving him at this endless cycle of will he won't he, nothing will or is happening and he knows it. Why can't he just end it, let somebody end it. Please. Somebody, but he doesn't want to die, he wants to live, he wants things to be better, he just can't take the steps to help himself. He sees himself in others, he doesn't want that. Please, I'm tired, I'm trying to keep going on, but I don't know how much longer I can go. He wants to love her but who is her, there seems to be many hers, is there a true her anymore, what is love if not subjective and meaningless or moot if one false step is taken. What point else is there anymore in life. To love? To hate? To live? Or none, its all meaningless in the end isn't it? One small thing can change everything. To feel her, to lose her. All the same. All the same. I love you. Don't let me go, leave me, but don't. Please, I need you. Who needs me though. Everyone, what have I done?