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Lunar Sickness

"A sickness that is actually a natural condition and is exclusive only to werewolves. It only affects people who were bitten by one and survived, thus turning them into a werewolf, so they must be relatively new. Although it is rare, it can still apply to experienced werewolves if the conditions are met. The sickness is a typically a result of ignoring their beastial instincts which is fairly easy to do. However, the urge gets stronger and harder to resist throughout the moon cycle, notably as it gets closer to a full moon. The sickness itself only manifests on days with a full or closely full moon as it starts to take effect on the afflicted. There are various types of effects and symptoms but the most common tend to include light or pale skin, fatigue, imbalance, weakness, chills/shivers, or a fever. This is due to the beastial side trying to break down and weaken the afflicted's systems and health so that it may take over. It is possible to fight against the sickness although it's very difficult to do. It's best to get lots of rest, avoid doing anything that's werewolf related, and most importantly, refrain from being exposed to any moonlight. If the afflicted succumbs to the sickness, then they will forcibly transform into their wolf form and will be completely feral. If this happens, it's best to stay away from the afflicted as they are highly dangerous and are unable to control. However, giving in to the sickness will immediately cure them (once the night is over) at the costly and risky expense of life and death. It is recommended to lock them up in the event that something happens so at the least you are given some prep time." ~ The Official Site's report about the sickness.

It seems to me that this sickness only applies to werewolves who try to repress and ignore their beastial side. As far as I know, it only applies to werewolves who were a result of natural causes, whether that being born a werewolf or being afflicted and turned into a werewolf without dying. (Artificial ones seem safe from this but I've yet to test this nor am I willing to, yet anyways.) I was only affected by it as a result of what happened with Ven but I eventually managed to embrace it much to my dismay. Least it won't ever happen again.

Side note, Sugar seems to have been repressing her werewolf side for sometime as well, although she was safe from being afflicted by the sickness. Although I'm unsure whether to classify her as a natural-born werewolf or not considering her versatality. I am relieved she was unaffected though, it's nice to have my sister as herself as much as possible, at least, when not around Landon.

I don't know what happened, perhaps it could be the sickness taking over me? Was it the moon? I was fine on a full moon, not entirely myself but I wasn't "feral" like that one time... is there something wrong with me? I'm just glad I didn't hurt Valentine or worse, any night I get to spend with her is worth it though.