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A 9-year-old girl called Marie Twilight was recently found dead in an alleyway outside the pizzeria “Freddy Fazbear’s” with one singular stab wound. She was found by a worker, who was taking out the rubbish bins. The worker states as follows, “I couldn’t believe it, she was just..laying there. At first, I thought she was sleeping, but no! I hope she rests in peace..” The girl, Marie was the daughter of one of the owners of the pizzeria, Harold Twilight, who was the creator of the pizzeria as his co-worker, William Afton, managed the finances of the restaurant. Both the parents give their statements as follows, “I can’t believe my poor girl was just..killed..” Her mother states before her father follows with an “I hope whoever did this deserves what he gets, rest in peace Marie..” It is a tragic death and we hope here at Templay News that she has a peaceful rest in the afterlife.