
Full Name: Alice Wells

Nicknames: Stereotypical Blonde Pink-haired Girl

Age: 19

Race: Human

Title: The Ex-Best Friend

Current Appearance: Pink Hair Swept to the Side, Probably also wearing pink

Hobbies: Pushing her friend off ziplines

Skills: Being Ignorant towards Others

Strengths: Sociable, Popular, Looks

Weaknesses: Impatient, Childish, Short-Attention Spam, Dumb

Likes: Flashy Outfits, The Color Pink, Grace

Dislikes: Tacky Fashion, Clashing Colors, Abandonment Issues


Grace's ex (best friend), who "betrayed" her when searching for Wolfy by potentially almost killing her after pushing her off a zipline

Relationships (Based on Strongest)


You Already Know Why


Obvious Reasons

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

- Was possibly held back (since she graduated the same year as Grace but is a year older)