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Ethan (Neutralists) (11/04/2023) - Mars

Kalie (Neutralists) (12/04/2023) - Mars

Sandy (Protagonists) (18/04/2023) -Mars

Mason (Antagonists) (30/03/2024) - Eren

Foxy (Protagonists) (30/03/2024) - Mars

Scruffy (Neutralists) (30/03/2024) - Mars

Micheal (Protagonists) (02/04/2024) - Mars

Varine Added (Antagonists) (02/02/2021) - Eren

Gorge (Neutralists) (30/10/2020) -Sugar

Puppetmaster Plot (Plots, Complete) (31/10/2020) -Sugar

Have any questions?

If you want to ask anything then go on the link below and it will take you to a google form. I sadly can't figure out external output on here so we'll just have to work with this. Thank you for the two people who know about this and answered it.

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AMA Result(s)

"make sugar the queen on all pages, he is your ruler"

First off, not a question. Second, we're co-rulers. Third, sure, if you can code it.

"Where are the Mystics that are animals related to water? Is that even allowed? Maybe they're just hiding underwater? Can I have a frog, or a squid? Maybe even a turtle!"

I'll have to check >_>, I mean there probably are and you can check if you ever come over to replay. I'll give you a talking frog that always does a peace sign. The turtles are already taken unfortantely.

Thank you :)

Why are there so many characters i mean the hecc

Ikr, I wish we could expand upon them more but unforunately we can't. And we might even have more characters in the future eee. Ty Gnome for answering

Favorite Character Votes

Valentine: |||

Jackson: |||

Sugar: ||

Eren: |

Jackson cause he's just that cool: |