
Title: The Fed Up Sister

Full Name: Ally Albane

Nicknames: Little Sis (Valentine), Ale (Luna)

Age: 10

Birthday: Sepetember 11

Height: 4'7

Race: Human

Current Appearance: Red-Orange Wavy Hair with Green Eyes, Blue Denim jacket with a Green Shirt that has a Unicorn on it

Hobbies: Making Trouble to Eren and Valentine

Skills: Can take care of herself (Shown when Val disappears in FF Plot and Ship Plot but she takes care of herself)

Strengths: "Mature", Apt at a Young Age

Weaknesses: Impatient (Gets annoyed when Val takes too long to come home), Vengeful

Likes: Miranda, ACNH, spending time with Val, Cherries

Dislikes: Police Chief, anybody insulting her favorite villagers, Coconuts


Manipulative, will probably sell your Iron.


Valentine (Positive)

Valentine is Ally's older Sister although she considers herself to be the "mature one". She's often annoyed with Val being away from home all the time whether it be solving crimes or hanging out with her friends. She does secretly care about Valentine's well being and likes it when she's with Eren so that way she's not so lonely all the time.

Eren (Positive)

While she doesn't show it, she likes having Eren around since he often provides company to Val which allows Ally to take a break from being the mature sister. She also likes to tease the two but dislikes it when they fight back.

Jenny (Positive)

One of the other kids at Sugar's house who Ally hangs out with a lot, they seem to be best friends and are hardly seen apart. On the rating of friendship, she'd play rock paper scissors for the last piece of pizza with her.

Crystal (Positive)

One of the other kids at Sugar's house who Ally plays with a lot, they're not best friends but friends as she would say. On the rating of friendship, she'd give her the crust off her pizza.

Alyssa (Positive)

Basically her babysitter for now while she stays at Sugar's house. Often talks about getting Val and Eren together with her, but she never does it cause Alyssa always seems to change the subject.

Kyle (Neutral)

Doesn't know him that well except he's the other girls' brother and he constantly teases her which makes her annoyed at him so she ignores him. On a scale of friendship, she'd happily scratch him with her nails to get the last piece of pizza off him.

Valerie (Negative)

Ally's Mom, not really close to her after they moved away from her.

Nick (???)

Secret character

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

- Probably the only character with Brunette Hair atm