Title: The (Former) Actress

Full Name: Alyssa Warren

Nicknames: Drama Queen (Lyra), Cat Girl (Jay), Lyssa (Eren)

Age: 27

Birthday: November 16

Height: 5'7

Race: Partial Cat Mystic (Formerly Human)

Current Appearance: Long Blonde Hair with yellow eyes (formally blue), Long sleeved Gray Blouse with a black undershirt, Black Fur Color

Mask Visage: A Black Cat Mask

Hobbies: Lounging around her apartment, Reminiscing about her acting career

Skills: Parental Skills since she watches over and cares for 3 kids, "acting"

Strengths: Deceptive and Cunning (when she feels like it, tricked a secretary into letting her and Landon into the prison)

Weaknesses: Can be driven by revenge (Enlisted Eren to help her seek out revenge against her rival), Often lazy and would rather not do anything challenging

Loves: Eren

Likes: Having time to Relax, Acting, Alcohol, Catnip

Dislikes: Her loved ones being in trouble, The kids acting up, Stress


An actress who fell out of the spotlight due to her not so great acting skills, definitely has stockholm syndrome. Is now an adoptive babysitter/mother to four kids.


Eren (Very Positive)

A good friend to Alyssa after the whole mishap he caused for her. While they don't hangout too much, they seem to have nice chemistry and they care for each other. When Eren was in jail, she personally forced Landon to help her break them out which they successfully did. When Landon accidentally left Eren behind at the police station, she threatened to scratch him non stop if he doesn't get him back. She also helped repair the rift between Eren and Valentine by tricking her into confronting Eren. She is confirmed to have harbored feelings for him.

The two decided to go out together on an outing where Eren took her to the abandoned skatepark that he then transformed into a makeshift stage with dressing rooms. Here they decide to have private plays together, dressing up and improvising acts on the spot which the two enjoyed. To top off their night, the two decided to go to a restaurant that Alyssa used to eat at a lot. Sitting down, the two talk and share a meal as they enjoy their time together. After they finish eating, they start leaving to go back to the car and as they pass over a bridge, Alyssa decides to confess her feelings to Eren which surprises him, while he wishes he could reciprocate it, he knows he can't as he believes he might love somebody else. (Totally not Val) which Alyssa is okay with and is happy the two are still friends, before leaving however, the two share a kiss on the cheek stating that it's platonic and they go home after their dinner "date".

The two are now very close and happy together after sharing a... revelation.

Crystal (Positive)

Alyssa's favorite adoptive daughter as she causes the least amount of trouble to her. Crystal also looks similar to her so they could pass off as biological family

Kyle (Positive)

Alyssa's adoptive son. She's not as fond as him as the rest but she still loves him just the same. Was often a target of his antics but they're now led by Jenny.

Jenny (Positive)

Alyssa's adoptive daughter. Not really fond of her but she loves her unconditionally. She's often a target of Jenny's pranks and has to keep a constant eye on her before she makes trouble to her siblings.

Sugar (Positive)

Alyssa's friend. They don't usually interact although they tend to share the same goals such as getting her and Eren out of jail. She also tagged along to the police station, mainly because of the party and social interaction that isn't children for once.

Ally (Positive)

Val's little sister who is under Alyssa's care at the moment. She doesn't know much about the girl except she conspires with the other girls a lot and she often talks of Valentine and Eren being together, although she never ever actually tries to do it, much to Alyssa's relief.

Lyra (Neutral)

Lyra is Alyssa's acting rival back in drama school. They didn't really get along with each other when it comes to their career but will have some playful banter between each other at times. Lyra eventually ditched acting altogether and became a Magician instead. Alyssa eventually had Eren help enact some revenge on her to which he complied to.

Landon (Neutral)

Not really a friend to Alyssa, although they worked together after some convincing on her end, to break Eren and Sugar out of jail. She gets pissed at him after accidentally leaving Eren behind and threatens to scratch him without stopping.

Lucille (Negative)

Was a 'friend' to Alyssa after she showed up to the door and convinced her to come with her, claiming she could have a chance to get back into acting. The supposed friendship didn't break even after she was brought onto the ship solely because she was still influenced by Lucille. The trust only broke when Alyssa came back to full consciousness and realised what had happened. Safe to say Alyssa hates her guts, like most of the others.




Full Name:










Early Life

Current Life













Physical Looks





How they met:

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How they met:

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How they met:

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