
Title: The Server

Full Name: Anne Misato

Nicknames: None

Age: 25

Birthday: June 29

Height: 5'2

Race: Partial Tiger Mystic (Natural)

Current Appearance: Short Black Hair, Yellow Cardigan, Sweatpants and Red Flip-Flops, Tiger ears and tail too ig

Hobbies: Cooking, Cleaning, Helping others

Skills: Dexterous, Good Balance, Listening...skills?

Strengths: Great at following directions, always willing to help others

Weaknesses: Unsure on what to do for herself, Not that great of a cook

Likes: Being useful, Eren and Sugar for rescuing her, Friendships

Dislikes: Doing nothing with her time, Lucille, Romance directed at her


A Server who formerly worked for Lucille at the club, hated her job but she's been doing it for so long that the work ethic stuck with her and it's all she really knows on what to do with herself.

Relationships (Based on Strongest)

Eren (Positive)

Owes him her life in servitude although he insists she owes him nothing, instead telling her that she can help out the others which she promptly agrees to. Although he is grateful for when she cleaned his room which got messy again anyways.

Sugar (Positive)

Feels bad for her while under influence and wishes she could help her. They end up getting along fine afterwards and will occasionally talk to each other.

Gorge (Positive)

Met at a celebration party where they bonded over their mutual agreement on how they felt about Lucille. She feels a special connection with him.

Alyssa (Positive)

Met at the celebration party and helped her bake, they got along well and will talk every now and then.

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

- Another character who was originally meant to be a one-off but grew attached and kept her.

- Only other character who's friends with Gorge along with Eren