
"Hey I'm Chica! the lady of the group, my singing is a treat! But keep an eye on your pizza, cause I'm a bird who likes to eat!"

Current Name: Chica

Possible Name?: ???

Nicknames: Chicken Chef (Irony)

Lifespan: 5 Years

Possible Age?: ???

Race: Possessed Gluttonous Chicken

Title: The Robot Chef

Current Appearance: Yellow and Robotic

Hobbies: Baking, Doing something useful for the band

Skills: Adept Culinary Skills, Eating? (Is that possible?)

Strengths: Can cook pizza that tastes delicious considering she doesn't have taste buds, defusing the fights that Bonnie and Freddy often have.

Weaknesses: The most "broken" out of the four (Structural Wise, beak keeps falling off)

Likes: Teasing Foxy, Cooking pizza and getting Solos in the songs.

Dislikes: Miss Manager not letting her open Chica's Party World or cook during the way.

