The Chief

Full Name: Ortho Briggs

Nicknames: Chief (Just about everybody)

Age: 42

Height: 6'4

Race: Full Ox Mystic

Title: The Police Chief

Current Appearance: A full Ox mystic, probably black or gray short hair, Horned (One horn broke due to Eren)

Hobbies: Running the Police Station (Totally)

Skills: Detective Skills (Solved 300 cases in his career), Adept at Unarmed Combat

Strengths: Stronk (Obvious why), Highly Observant, Influential

Weaknesses: Can easily be swayed/seduced

Likes: People with Good Work Ethic

Dislikes: Resources being wasted, poor work performance, black coffee


The Police Chief of the Northern Replay Police Department. Shown to have high demands and expectation but does care for the needs of his staff.

Relationships (Based on Strongest)

Sallie (Negative)

Remains to be seen

Sandy (Negative)

The Secretary of the RPD, Chief's personal assistant most of the time. He is shown to have great concern for her wellbeing and treats her good (despite the overbearing work conditions) such as giving her rides via carpooling.

Valentine (Negative)

An employee to the Chief who works at the PD. He seems to think highly of her as a worker as he believes she can get work done and will often call on her for major cases. Even asking her to work on a holiday, much to her annoyance.

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