
Title: The Remembered Twin

Full Name: Crystal Warren

Nicknames: None

Age: 11

Birthday: October 27

Height: 4'5

Race: Human

Current Appearance: Neat Long Black Hair, Blue Jacket paired with a print shirt

Hobbies: Playing with Ally and Jenny.

Skills: She's 11, 11 year olds don't really have skills.

Strengths: She's 11, 11 year olds don't really have strengths. Animal crossing.

Weaknesses: She's 11, 11 year olds don't really have weaknessess.

Likes: Playing with Ally and Jenny and Animal crossing, not much else really.



One of the twins Eren and Sugar "rescued" from Gary.

Relationships (Based on Strongest)

Gary (Positive)

Gary is Crystal's biological father. He's a tiger now. Not much else to say

Kyle (Positive)

Kyle is Crystal's biological brother. We have finally found his real name using Skype. He is still not relevant though.

Ally (Positive)

Ally is Val's little sister, who often calls herself the big sister. She likes her, and has fun playing with her and Jenny.

Jenny (Positive)

Jenny is Crystal's adoptive sister. They often play together on her switch, playing animal crossing mostly.

Alyssa (Neutral)

Alyssa is Crystal's adoptive mother. She's often the target of the kids playful antics since they don't really have anybody else to target. I guess Eren would be her adoptive father although they never interact so I'm excluding him

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

- Just about tied with Luna and Sammy as being one of the least frequent characters

- Has a K/D Ratio of 6:1