
"I can't predict the future, but what I do know is the present, and although I may just be one person, I'll be there for you as both a friend and as somebody who respects you." -Eren to Min

Title: The Existant.

Full Name: Eren Kei

Nicknames: Big dumb (Sugar), Wolfy (Grace), Pepper (Disguise), Heroes of Replay (Isabelle), Wolf Boy (Jay, Ophelia and Sandy), Omega (Terrin), "Kei" (Officer Name), Little Wolf (Chief and Ven)

Age: 24

Birthday: April 15

Height: 5'8

Race: Natural Born Werewolf

Status: Living.

Current Appearance: Very Dark Brown Hair, Left purple eye with bandages wrapped around his head at an angle over where his right eye would be, Gray Fur Color, White medical jumpsuit with Grey Turtleneck Sweater underneath.

Other Appearances: Black Blazer with a Tie and Black framed glasses (School Uniform), Black Cotton Hoodie with Grey Beanie (Casual), Black Checkered Jacker with a Grey Turtleneck Sweater underneath and Black Cargo Pants (Default)

Mask Visage: A white metal mask with Sunglasses and a frown drawn onto it

Hobbies: Contemplating Stuff, Thinking about working on Experiments, Listening to Music, Laying on the ground, Hanging out with friends

Skills: Very good at Science (Can make teleporting smoke bombs and formulas that can change people), Can't feel pain (But it still affects him), Can lockpick using his own claws, Can understand and talk to Animals, Can summon bone weapons (mainly a knife or stave)

Strengths: Cares deeply for his loved ones, Can defuse bad situations with quick thinking, Charismatic when he needs to be, Quick to defend his friends no matter the cost

Weaknesses: Easily emotionally manipulated, Inability to feel pain has gotten him killed, Lost control over himself (Ever since the incident with Ven), Mentally and Emotionally unstable, Quick to give up if alone

Loves: Valentine, Music, Time to Relax

Likes: The Color Purple, Oatmeal Cookies, Swingsets, Animals, Hanging out with his friends

Dislikes: Taxes, Humans, Being around crowds of people, People who hurt those he cares about (Especially Val), Himself,

Hates: Killing if unprovoked, seeing people suffer, failing others


His parents died at a young age and was put under the care of another trusted werewolf who raised Eren alongside three other children. She taught him the ability to speak to and understand animals. It is revealed that she died from hunters as well later on, sacrificing herself to save them. The rest of his family blamed him for her death and for his own safety, he ran away from them and lived on his own at a school loaned apartment. He eventually graduated but soon went missing for 3 years where his friends have all "moved on" from him before re-emerging back into the real world and living his life with Sugar.

Relationships (Based on Strongest) [WILL ALSO BE HEAVILY REWRITTEN SOMETIME]

Valentine (Positive)

Valentine has been Eren's closest friend since his childhood. They first met in elementary when Valentine stood up for Eren against Bullies. They've remained close friends up until graduation when Eren mysteriously "disappeared". Valentine however did not notice his disappearance as she was too busy with work to become a Detective. During his disappearance, he's wondered about Val and if she even knows he's gone (Which she didn't). 4 years after his disappearance (and eventual reappearance), Eren finally reunites with Val after a mishap with mail and they're both shocked and joyed to see each other with both sides oblivious to what really happened. (More to come soon)

They're shown to enjoy each other's company a lot and will hangout a bunch. However as time went on, Val has made several mistakes in their relationship such as when she accidentally got him and Sugar arrested and did nothing to help him. When he got broken out, she was too ashamed to say anything to him and simply avoided him but when he got caught a second time and actually had the power to help him since she was in the same building as him with her police permissions, she still chose not to do anything, instead she just watched him in his cell through the security camera. Once he got broken out a 2nd time, Alyssa decided to reconcile their friendship by tricking her into speaking with Eren which reveals that he doens't hold anything against her since she was just trying to keep her job and they make up.

Throughout their adventures, they slowly get closer with each other as they demonstrate their ability to easily work together in situations and are often on the same page on most things. Luna comments that this was how they acted before the year gap of Eren disappearing and is glad to see them close to how they were before in the past.

Their relationship takes a massive turn as a result of what happened with Chief as Eren is shown to be willing to stick with Val no matter what happens and tries to defend and comfort her through it all. After the event, they grow much more closer together but Val becomes much more dependant on Eren and feels safer with him so they made the arrangement that Val can temporarily sleep with Eren in his room and Ally can stay with Alyssa and the kids so she has friends to hang out with. (Although the arrangement ends up being practically permanent) Eren states that he can sleep on the floor but Val refuses to let him sleep there and forces him to sleep in bed with her which he reluctnatly complies and sleeps away from her on the bed. However, in the morning, he wakes up to Val spooning hugging him from behind which he lets happen and pretends to be asleep whenever she wakes up. (this pretty much happens everynight but they don't say anything about it)

As time goes on, they've grown very close with each other (they're practically together, they just haven't admitted any feelings) and will always support each other and stick together no matter what happens.

Sugar (Positive)

Sugar is Eren's current adoptive sibling. She's the one who rescued him from his "disappearance" and they now own the Pizzeria together. Out of the two, she is the more easygoing and is thus the one who talks more and represents the Pizzeria as owner. They are shown to both care and support one another despire the trials faced. Eren is the more serious one and usually "handles" the business part on the side. They're practically inseperable and rely on each other for support throughout tough times. They always accompany each other on adventures.

Luna (Positive)

Luna is Eren's other close friend from high school. They had a tight friend group between Him, Luna, and Valentine lasting up til the end of graduation. However afterwards, Eren disappeared and the group pretty much disbanded. 5 years later, Eren decides to look for Luna with Val and they eventually reunite with her. She's an alcoholic and speculated to be depressed which worries Eren so he does his best to try and hangout with Luna, with the intent to hopefully help her. He is usually uncomfortable with her "close" nature, especially when drunk but he puts up with it for her sake.

Jenny (Positive)

Jenny is technically Eren's adoptive daughter after he agreed to take her in although Alyssa is the one who takes care of her mostly. He usually brings her gifts from whatever adventure he goes on with the most recent one being a small lab coat from Nicholas. Eren paid child support for her, not Kyle or Crystal.

Grace (Positive)

Grace was taken in by Eren after she got disowned by her parents (albeit eren was the initial cause) but Grace is fine with it after knowing since she believes that her parents didnt really care for her in the first place. During her subject time, Eren acted as the main cause but also helped and comforted her under his wolf alias of "Wolfy". Hangs out together outside of the RP (in sims)

Min (Positive)

Min is one of the Chefs that work at the Pizzeria. She's one of the subjects that became a snow leopard mid-fight with a Day guard but was calmed down by Eren and taken in to live at the apartment block. She is often hostile towards the other people living there as they annoy her however Eren tries to keep the peace between them. When she got pranked by Jenny and Jay who put glitter in her laundry, Eren convinced her to stand down and said that he would help her take the glitter out of her clothes. After about 7 hours, they're still at it with a few clothes left, Eren asks about her anger issues and they end up having a heart to heart about their own personal experiences. He states that he'll be there for her as a friend and somebody who respects her, even if the world is against her which causes her to smile a bit for 0.5 seconds. Eren is glad that he didn't ask "Do you like pancakes" instead. Whenever she faces any issues at work, Eren does his best to try and resolve it until it comes to a point where action will be taken.

Alyssa (Positive)

Alyssa was the first "subject" to be taken in to live with the others. Was confused at first but eventually learns to live with it since she doesn't have much to do after her failed acting career. Indicated to may like Eren but might just be stockholm syndrome so subverted. Helped repair the rift between Eren and Val and in return Eren paid a months worth of Child support, for only one of the children. Good luck Eren

Anne (Positive)

Anne was a server at the Club that Eren and his friends visited. They all noticed that she seemed emotionless, almost robotic meanwhile Eren dies everytime she's there. When Sugar got taken by Lucille, Eren realizes that Anne was the girl from Ven's story all those weeks ago as he goes over to the club to get information from her. Once he gets there, he manages to find Anne and takes her into a room away from everybody as he questions her. Anne eventually complies and ends up breaking down once Eren figures out the truth as she's been forced to do that for so long. Eren comforts her and says that he'll put a stop to Lucille and he ends up letting her stay at their house until they can figure things out afterwards since she's free from her control. After they get back from the ship (with everybody alive), Eren offers Anne a place in their apartments since she has nowhere else to go and she happily accepts, thankful for his help.

Marie (Positive)

Marie was one of the allies to Eren and Sugar's clan in the Final Fantasy Realm, in the end he convinced her to leave with them through the portal and it turned out she was also from the real world. Decided to stay with them since it's been 6 years and she has no idea what happened to everybody anymore.

Gorge (Positive)

Gorge was one of the members of Lucille's crew but he caused no direct conflict to the gang as he just kinda stayed on the sidelines until they had to leave. Once on deck, he decides to not go with Mason and Terrin since they're rude to him. Once Eren joins them, he insists on not leaving Gorge behind since he doesnt seem evil so Eren takes him down with them to the boat. When Sugar dies from her heart attack, the gang is devasted but Eren figures out his necronomicon, he doesn't want to ask Gorge for his help due to his promise but Gorge revives Sugar anyways on his own free will. Eren is eternally grateful for that so he becomes determined to make sure Gorge doesnt suffer a fate in jail or worse, so he decides to hide him in his bag until they get to safety. Once they get home, Eren talks with Gorge and offers for him to stay in their garage until they figure out where he can go, to which he agrees to and is glad.

Terrin (Neutral)

Terrin was one of the members of Lucille's crew and she was the one who found Eren while he was investigating his workshop in the cargo hold. Terrin snuck up behind him and interrogated him while Eren did his best to convince her otherwise but it worked to no effect. Eren eventually gave in and just decided to tell the Truth that he was looking for Sugar. Terrin realizes he's talking about the one that Lucille took and refuses to let him go. Eren doesn't want to bother fighting so he just tries to go past her, much to her annoyance as she forcibly fights Eren, he refuses to fight back as she keeps hitting and insulting him. Eren just takes it and tells her to go ahead and end it. Terrin decides not to since it's boring if he doesn't fight back as she reluctantly lets him go (after a last resort to block him on the ladder). They trade names for the next time they try to kill each other as they depart.

Landon (Neutral)

Landon just kinda hates Eren for some reason. Maybe it's cause people like him more because he's "nice". Who knows. Eren just kinda shrugs it off though.

Jay (Negative)

Jay is annoying and usually (used to) harasses the girls much to Eren's annoyance who tries to keep the peace among everybody. Especially once he targets Val is when things get personal.

Nicholas (Negative)

Nicholas is a fox scientist who tried to eradicate all werewolves from Replay under a fake guise of a cleaning product company. Eren and Sugar put a stop to his plans as he swore he'll get revenge on them as he disappears into smoke. A few months later, there was an announcement that the Mayor of Replay wants to get rid of/evict all Mystics from replay which doesn't make sense since the mayor is also a mystic. Eren and Sugar investigate and find out it's Nicholas who was behind it all, Eren rallied the people while Sugar dealt with him directly. They put a stop to him fully as he gets arrested. While Nicholas did get free and was with Lucille's gang, Eren didn't interact with him but knows of his prescence and that he's out there.

Varine (Negative)

Eren dislikes Varine to the point where he convinces Gorge to revive him (despite possibly risking Sugar's wrath) and tortures him for 3 days before finally putting him out of his misery through a very painful death of choking and burning him with chains in his throat. Although he doesn't hold any personal grudges against him and thinks that his anger is just misplaced and should've enacted his revenge against Landon instead.

Ven (Negative)

Ven pretended to interview Eren and Sugar as a writer for a magazine about mystics. Eventually they caught onto his ruse and tried to get away from him but Ven ended up kidnapping Sugar and Landon, trapping them in springlock suits. Eren and Val were called by Sugar and they quickly made their way to save them but once they did, Ven revealed himself. He then forcibly controlled Sugar and partially Val as he made Sugar fight Eren as he mirrored her moves to Val. As Sugar tried to kill Eren, Ven also almost killed Val which made Eren lose it as he breaks out and fights Ven head on, killing him quickly as he severs his throat. He then proceeds to repeatedely slash at his face non stop until he grows tired and passes out. Later on in the Ship, Ven kidnapped Val and also Eren by using her as bait as he proceeds to torture Eren by physically harming Val. Eren manages to break out again while he's distracted and stabs him in the heart, saving Val as they quickly leave to go get Sugar. It's easy to say, but Eren hates Ven for what he's done.

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

- Only Character with Heterochromia Eyes

- One of the two naturally born werewolves with the other being Jenny

- One of the two OG characters with the other being Sugar obvi

- Apart of the Murderer Gang

- Low Range of Emotions

- Fears Himself (Mainly losing it again and possibly killing somebody)

- One of the three characters who has more than one person who likes them. (not saying who though)

- One of the three characters who owns a gun. The others being Valentine and Luna