
Full Name: Ethan Leech

Nicknames he gives: Mushman (Mason), Lucy (Lucille), Reren (Revan)

Age: 20s

Race: Ability Mystic

Title: The Firestarter

Current Appearance: Bright Red hair, red eyes, pale skin, Orange prison jumpsuit with a white mask and a dead-inside stare.

Hobbies: Drinking, Drinking, and lots of Drinking. Or staring into space now that he's gone sober.

Skills: Fire Bending Skills (Used Offensively)

Strengths: A reliable source of fire.

Weaknesses: Blabbermouth. Water (Less dangerous the warmer it is)

Likes: Booze, Money and Eren.

Dislikes: Relationships/Love, Fireworks, New Years and Sebastian.


He was first met as a grunt working for Lucille in the past. He was paid with mostly alcohol and a place to stay. After the club fight, he was arrested and taken to jail and has been there since. He's seen many prisoners come and go and his own freedom was promised after he kept a streak of not drinking any alcohol.

But late september, he was assaulted and now sports a white mask to hide his face. Don't ask him what's underneath, he won't answer.

Relationships (Based on Strongest)

Lucas [Positive]

Don't ask.

Revan [Positive]

Met at a bar and got drunk together, he convinced him to meet his employer and the two now worked together until the fight.

Eren [Positive]

He is thankful for Eren and appreciates him. He's supported him and has promised him freedom in return for sobriety and he even gave him his white mask.

Sebastian [Strongly Negative]

He didn't talk to Sebastian much when the man was in jail. He wasn't interested in an unoriginal wannabee who didn't even come up with his own costume. But late september, their relationship changed to hatred on one night. Sebastian broke free and manipulated Ethan, before assaulting him with lasting injuries.

Luke [Slightly Positive]

He is annoyed by Luke's talk of love and incessant teasing. But after Luke has fled from jail, he kind of misses seeing the weird wolf man spinning in circles chasing his tail. He'd never admit it, though.

Mason [Neutral]

Works together as bodyguards although the two do butt heads at times. Has long since forgotten about the vampire since he has a new blond to hate.

Lucille [Neutral]

She was his employer and she paid him. Now neighbours in the RPD jail cells, their small talk has long grown dry.

Kakage/Ven [Neutral]

He was frequently called on by Ven to do menial tasks that Ethan would rather not do. Now he just sees Kakage when he visits his wife, Lucille. Kakage doesn't talk to him, so he doesn't try to talk back.

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

- 3 months sober in Dec 2023

- Strongly dislikes fireworks. And guns.

- Eren's Chosen Babygirl.