
Full Name: Gorge Gloom

Nicknames: Skelly BB

Age: ??

Race: Skeleton Mystic

Title: The Necromancer

Current Appearance: Smol Skelly Boi with robes and carrying a book

Hobbies: Reading his book, and that's..pretty much it.

Skills: Bringing people back from the dead, managing himself since he is tiny. Putting himself back together after being broken apart.

Strengths: Reviving people, getting around swiftly, thinking ahead (when he has to hide he gets the idea of getting broken into pieces to make it easier)

Weaknesses: [REDACTED]

Likes: His book, Eren (platonically, he gave him a place to stay.), Getting thanked for reviving peolpe.

Dislikes: Lucille, Kakage, Nicholas- you get the picture. He dislikes all the others.


He's a walking talking skeleton who has the power to bring someone back from the dead. Not much is known about him.

Relationships (Based on Strongest)

Eren (Positive)

Eren is the one giving him housing while he's off the ship. When on the main deck Eren helped Gorge down, talking to him for a few moments about his book. So Gorge automatically likes him since he knows about his book and what it can do. After they get back to shore Eren hides Gorge in his bag and he stays there, before Eren lets him stay in the garage, saying he can stay there while he finds a place to go. Also, he was thanked for reviving Sugar so again, another reason to automatically like Eren.

Sugar (Positive)

Doesn't really know Sugar well except she was one of the girls forced to dance, Kakage wanted her and she found his skeleton 'likeness' almost scary. He still brought her back to life after she had a heart attack though, fully to his own will, unlike the other times he was forced.

Terrin (Negative)

She makes fun occasionally of him, calling his book an old history book and pretending to read the stuff inside it. He's surprised she hasn't summoned some kind of demon, but he doesn't care either way abouth her, or any of the others.

Mason (Negative)

Doesn't really get teased or annoyed by him, he just dislikes how Terrin and Mason laugh at everyone, including him. Again, no thanks when he revived him. Ungrateful vampires.

Nicholas (Negative)

Dislikes him. Although he doesn't get teased for being small like the others since Nicholas is small too, he still annoys the hell out of him with questions about himself, and he never bothers answering him.

Ven/Kakage (Negative)

Hates him. He constantly teases him and treats him like a child just because he's small. Is glad he's dead, he hated being forced to bring him back to life. Waasn't even thanked.

Lucille (Negative)

Hates her guts. He hates the business she has, but he has no choice other than to stay to revive the others. Doesn't agree with any of what she says, even though she has a point about the corruption in the city.

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

- Is one of the only people who has brought someone back from the dead in the rp.