Government Takeover


The Government Takeover is a plot that coincides with two seperate storylines. These include the Murder Case and... the Government Takeover. Characters (Excluding Main Group) involved are: Alyssa, Jenny, Animatronics, Nicholas, and Isabelle (New).

Summary (Get Ready for some Reading)

The plot kicks off by starting at the Pizzeria, Valentine is once again investigating the murder case making Eren help her. She has him get Sugar since he can't fully answer her question. However, Sugar ends up going over the top by revealing too much information and pressures Eren about their past to the point where he passes out. This gives Valentine enough information to solve the and immediately gets the officials over. What she didn't realize soon enough was that she got Eren and Sugar falsely accused for murder and therefore arrested but by then it was too late as they were already taken away. The pair was then investigated and found guilty for even more crimes (namely eren's illegal experiments). As they were being hauled off, Eren looks at Val one last time which sets off a deep sense of guilt in her. Despite this and all they've been through, Valentine does nothing to directly help them which creates a rift beween the two. Isn't that nice.

Landon soon finds out and seeks out Valentine for help but she declines which causes him to lash out at her. Luckily Alyssa offers to help since she nothing much to really do. Together they make their way to the prison they're being kept at. Using her "charms", she gets access to the master keycard and kindly borrows some uniforms from security guards. Once the time comes, they make their way to the cells where they reunite with the pair although Eren wonders where Val is. They break out and manage to escape through a vent system. Eren decides to stay behind for a bit while the others reluctantly leave to go home for the night.

Although they escaped from prison, they still have yet to erase their records. With the help of an "anonymous" source, they learn of a masquerade party that's happening at the Police Department which they plan to use as a cover up. Sugar, Landon, Grace, Alyssa, and Eren (who showed up ahead of time) all arrive at the precinct where they split up in hopes of coming up with something. Grace heads over to the buffet where she bumps into Valentine (masked in a wolf mask) and they share some secret banter where they organize a meet up for Sugar and Val in the bathroom. Once there, Val hopes that Eren has forgiven her although nobody has seen him since, instead she informs her of the police chief who contains the key to erasing their records. Afterwards, Sugar notices that the Chief is on the dance floor and is forced to dance with Landon in order to obtain it along with some awkward exchange. After they get the key, they head towards the Chief's office only to realize that Eren had already broken in since the precinct didn't bother focusing on physical locks as he lockpicked it. After deleting their records, they attempt to leave only to be confronted by the Chief and several guards. Eren formulates an escape plan using a smoke bomb although Landon activates it prematurely and leaves Eren behind to get shot by 5 tazers.

Upon the discovery of Eren missing, Sugar gets angry at Landon and forces them to go back for him. Once back at the precinct, it is now under lockdown with air tight defense systems including automatic turrets. Turning into bats, Sugar makes Landon act as a bait while she flies up to a vent system while he has to dodge his way over to her. Once inside, they head over to the "Investigation and Detainment" section of the precint that forks off into two seperate hallway. Recognizing two familiar scents, Sugar decides to follow the rightmost one which ends up leading them to Valentine. Instead of helping Eren out, she just worriedly watches Eren in his cell from her monitor which she gets berated for again by Landon. Before leaving, she informs them of the two security guards that are protecting Eren's cell. In order to take them out, Sugar uses some chloroform found lying around and knocks them out (with some added shoving from Landon). They then discover that his cell is locked by a keycard but her knowledge of what Eren said about physical locks, she has Landon break open the door. Eren however is unable to move since the simultaneous shock (literally) has messed with his nerves and he can't feel anything. Guards start making their way to them so once again they use his smoke bomb to escape the precinct this time, with Eren.

The next day after returning home while Sugar was watching TV, an emergency PSA came up that announced a new law. This new law made it so Mystics were to be banned from Replay, taking effect in the next 24 hours and any mystics found afterwards will be persecuted. Bringing the news to Eren, he wonders why since so many residents are Mystics including the Mayor who supposedly made the law. Finding it suspicious, they decide to confront the mayor (while first deciding to warn the animatronics and disguising their "features"), Eren is forced to use a crutch made from spare parts to "walk" around. Arriving at the Town Hall, Eren realizes that all the Mystic employees have been replaced with Humans, most notably the secretary Isabelle who sounds strangely alike and has the same name. They convince her that they have an important meeting with the mayor so she lets them up. On the top floor, they're greeted by two bodyguards who seem nervous but reluctantly lets them into the Mayor's office.

Entering the office, they're confronted by the "mayor" who turns out to be Nicholas (with the real one being "dealt with" and "on vacation"). Remembering their previous encounter months ago, he immediately activates a device that looks like a crossbow mechanism. He then reveals that using the confiscated materials from Eren's lab, he created a serum that turns mystics into humans and that it's currently loaded into that mechanicsm, ready to fire. They connect the dots and realize that he turned the employees into humans. Sugar tells Eren that she can handle it peacefully so he agrees to leave it to her but as backup he hands her a serum that puts cells into a statsis which makes it so you're immune to any sort of change temporarily. He leaves to go rally the people while Sugar confronts Nicholas alone.

Once alone, she attempts to reason with him asking why he's doing it but he simply states "because of they did to me". He never reveals the true reason behind his motives since he sees it as her trying to distract him by making him monologue (which he ironically monologues when saying it). Sugar uses the opportunity to steal the controller by using her strings which causes him to give chase. I won't go into detail about the chase though (unless you want me to). Long story short, Nicholas gets a hold of the remote and threatens to fire it at Sugar although she secretly takes the serum beforehand so she remains unwavered. He immediately fires at her landing a few direct hits but after realizing that it's doing nothing to her, he flees to his desk and presses a button which creates a protective field around him on his chair.

Eren then bursts in doing a really "motivating" and "inspiring" point towards Nicholas telling the bodyguards that "we can take him on together" although Sugar already handled the situation (since he trapped himself in there). Before leaving the office, Eren unseals Nicholas' field to take his lab coat as a gift for Jenny. Arriving at the ground floor, they tell the good news to the employees that they're finally free from the fake mayor. Isabelle rejoyces and hugs the two (or attempts to with eren), declaring the pair as "Replay's Heroes" since they saved everybody from having to leave their hometown. As reassurance, Eren promises that he'll mass produce a serum that'll reverse the effects and get everybody back to normal. They then leave the Town Hall to reassure everybody else that they took care of the law.

Cut/Unused Content

- Was supposed to be longer but had to be cut short due to taking long time

- If Sugar went to find Eren, then Eren and Valentine could've danced instead of Sugar and Landon (Ultimately cut since it would conflict with rift between them)

- Confronting Nicholas wouldn't be as easy where it would've required a whole breaking in through disguises and stealth (similar to first encounter)

- Charlie and Leon were supposed to come back to help as frenemies