Jay's Comeback


After another couple of months, Jay returns to Replay to visit his girlfriend (and pull some pranks again with his new accomplice).


Jay and his crew were arrested after performing many petty crimes such as vandalism and disturbing the peace. Instead of getting them sent to jail, Jay convinces the police that they're just teenage high schoolers so they get sent to a Military Bootcamp instead. Jay manages to escape (thanks to his spy skills) and goes to visit Grace again back at her home.

Jay sneaks into Grace's room and pulls her chair out from under her while she was playing games although she knew he was there and didn't care, continuing to play. After her match, they have a reunion talk although Grace seemed distant as Jay mentions why he was gone. They have a mini argument about Grace wanting Jay to stop pranking since it's bad for him. He leaves the room and gets a sandwich while talking with Luna about his crime life and she tells him that Grace misses her. When he gets back, he ("lies") and says he'll stop if it will really make her happy. They share a quick moment and he leaves to go work at his 'job'.

After leaving her apartment, he hears crying and screaming from an apartment and deduces that it's Alyssa's apartment, aka where Jenny lives so he visits. He convinces Jenny to go do pranks with him and she has the idea to prank Min since she has the best reactions. Jenny comes up with the idea to put Glitter in Min's laundry so Jay lockpicks her door and they sneak into her apartment. Jenny pours glitter into the clothes and they sneak out whilst avoiding the creaky tiles and successfully get out unnoticed. They then decide to play mario kart to pass the time until her reaction.

After a while, they can hear yelling and a lot of cursing coming from downstairs as Min makes her way upstairs and finds the guilty party. Eren comes down from hearing the commotion and finds out about their prank. Min threatens to maul and kill them both although Eren convinces her to stand down and promises he'll help her take the glitter out, giving Jay and Jenny a warning to not disturb her again. After a close call with death, Jenny gets the iea to mess with Sugar by switching her cookies thinking it wont cause much harm but Jay has second doubts but dismisses it as Jenny reassures her. The duo decide to go prank somebody outside of their home and head to fazbears for their next target.

After arriving at Fazbears, they discover the staff are still there so they wait for them to leave before setting up a prank. Jay (using his spy skills) hacks into the monitor and connects his phone to it which allows him to play jumpscares and scenes from the game itself. Once the staff leave, they hide out in the kitchen until the nightguard newbie arrives. As he starts his shift, they start to play around with him by making the animatronics "move" and playing creepy sounds. This eventually freaks out the guard enough to close both doors and almost break the monitor. The pair believes that he had enough and stops before giving him a heart attack, turning everything back to normal. They then decide to go back home before Alyssa gets too worried about Jenny and Jay gets a drink before joining Grace for a sleepover.

Entering her room, they share some cute couple conversation and decide to go stargazing together. Cut to Eren and Min, they've been working on getting the glitter out for 7 hours straight and Eren decides to ask a personal question about Min. He asks about her anger issues and surprisingly Min opens up about it, sharing her insecurities about wanting to be understood. Eren understands where she's coming from as he went through something similar and promises things will get better for her and that he'll be there for her. They then decide to call it a night and to pick it up tomorrow but Eren decides to warn the others about Jay's return.

While outside, Jay's talk about a medium dipper get interrupted by a phone call for Grace and Eren reveals Jay's pranks to her which breaks her heart that he lied to her and she runs off. Jay regrets not covering his tracks and wonders why Grace left, and then he realizes that she does care for his safety which is why she wants him to stop so he runs after her, realizing his mistakes. He eventually finds her at the place they met, the coffee shop. 'Disguising' himself with his hood and terrible accent, he woos Grace with a "legend" (about himself) and leads it into the reveal that it's him and he cares a lot about Grace. She sees that he means it this time and they get back together, Jay promising to really get rid of his pranking ways although conflicted about what to do with his group and with Jenny.

Cut/Unused Stuff

- Was Supposed to include more pranks but Sugar went through character development and so did Jay

- Was tempted to let Min beat up/kill Jay