
Title: The (Adopted) Orphan

Full Name:Jenny Warrens

Nicknames: Accomplice (Jay)

Age: 10

Birthday: March 7

Height: 4'9

Race: Werewolf

Current Appearance: Short Blonde Hair with Blue Eyes

Hobbies: Playing with Toys, Playing Pranks on Alyssa and Min, Hanging out with her Adopted Siblings

Skills: Quick Learner (Easily harnesses her Werewolf side thanks to Sugar; Also retains some knowledge of Eren's formulas where she adds her own)

Strengths: Easy Going, Energetic, Stealthy, Loyal (lies for Eren although it doesn't matter since he turns himself in anyways)

Weaknesses: Impressionable (She is influenced by Jay to copy his pranks), Stubborn (Still wants to do pranks despite almost dying by Min)

Likes: Playing games, Pulling risky pranks for the fun of it, Hanging out with people other than her siblings

Dislikes: Adults being boring (Eren is an exception), Responsibility, School


A werewolf orphan who was often bullied by other kids. Sugar found her and introduced her to Eren since he's also a natural born werewolf and he taught her, eventually adopting her although she's mainly under Alyssa's care. She is also adoptive siblings with Crystal and Kyle


Eren (Postive)

Jenny's unofficial adoptive Wolf Dad although he's usually busy with the adventures that he goes on to fully watch over/take care of her. He does often bring her back gifts and trinkets from them which make up for it. Eren also paid child support for her.

Alyssa (Positive)

Jenny's maternal Caretaker who mainly watches over her everyday alongside Crystal and Kyle. She's usually a target of the children's antics, especially now with Jay's influence on Jenny although she's learning to keep a close eye over them.

Jay (Positive)

Jenny's accomplice in crime. She knows she's the real mastermind and that Jay is just going along with it though.

Ally (Positive)

Valentine's little sister who she hangs out with a lot. She considers her an actual friend, she likes playing games with her and making plans to get Eren and Val together (she has realised Alyssa and Eren are a lost cause), but she'd still steal the last pizza slice from her.

Sugar (Positive)

Sugar often lets Jenny hangout and play games in the living room if it gets too crowded with the rest of her family

Crystal (Positive)

Jenny's adoptive sister. They kinda get along although she usually makes trouble to her and her brother.

Kyle (Negative)

Jenny's adoptive brother. They don't get along at all and she often makes trouble to him and his sister.

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

- Adopted? :pleading_face: