Title: The Forgotten Twin

Full Name: Kyle Warren

Nicknames: None

Age: 11

Birthday: October 27

Height: 4'6

Race: Human

Current Appearance: Short black hair, white t-shirt with a lion imprint on the front.

Hobbies: Teasing Ally, playing pranks.

Skills: He's 11, 11 year olds don't really have skills.

Strengths: He's 11, 11 year olds don't really have strengths.

Weaknesses: He's 11, 11 year olds don't really have strengths.

Likes: Messing with the girls, stealing the pizza

Dislikes: One of the others getting the last pizza slice, getting told off by Alyssa.


One of the twins Eren and Sugar "rescued" from Gary.

Relationships (Based on Strongest)

Crystal (Positive)

Kyle's sister

Gary (Positive)

Kyle's pet tiger, and Dad

Jenny (Neutral)

Kyle's adoptive sister, like messing with her and Ally.

Ally (Neutral)

Ally is Val's little sister or something. Doesn't really care, just likes teasing her and messing them around when they play. He's kinda grateful he doesn't always have to be around his sisters though.

Alyssa (Neutral)

Kyle's adoptive mother, we don't care about his original mother anymore

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

- I thought his name was Jack