
Full Name: Leo Nanton

Nicknames: Mr Shapeshifter (IRL Sugar)

Age: 25

Race: Creature Mystic (shapeshifter)

Title: Creep

Current Appearance:Short curly red hair, dark green eyes and black jacket with a shirt.

Hobbies: Kidnapping people, cutting things up and being creepy.

Skills: Knife skills (most probably), kidnapping and shifting.

Strengths: Could bring the element of surprise with his shifting, very nimble and stealthy.

Weaknesses: Easily defeated, is a simp. Automatic weakness.

Likes: Knives, Val and Val's blood.

Dislikes: Eren, not being able to be with Valentine and well..being dead.


Not much is known about him except he admitted to stalking Eren and Val for an extended period of time "No one suspects a pigeon flying by, or a spider in the corner" as he said. He grew quite the interest for Val, kidnapping her as soon as he could. But he messed with the wrong werewolves.

Relationships (Based on Strongest)

Val (Positive on his side)

Val is his..crush? Well..he basically is kinda a yandere for her, thinking she's his one true purpose in life. But..didn't exactly end well after Eren killed him. Seemed to have a strange fascination for her blood too, kinky.

Eren (Negative)

Wasn't exactly fond of him since he's the one that killed him. Oh well.

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

-Maybe he looks like a guy Val naturally maybe it's hair dye and contacts who knows

-His love for Val's blood and carving words into peoples skin inspired by a scene in Harry Potter.