
Full Name: Luna Swanson

Nicknames: The Luna at Home

Age: 34

Birthday: July 6

Height: 5'10

Race: Full Raccoon Mystic (Formerly Human)

Title: Mastermind Thief

Current Appearance: Long Red Hair with a lotta volume, Makeup, Borrowed Jewelry, Black Striped Shirt

Hobbies: Stuff

Skills: Stealing Stuff and mostly getting away with it

Strengths: Great at Bossing people around

Weaknesses: Has a teenager to take care of now

Likes: Shiny things

Dislikes: Boring Bland things


Me steal stuff, oh no, me got caught now

Relationships (Based on Strongest)




Adoptive Daughter

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

- The least seen support character (along with Sammy)