Title: The Oracle

Full Name: Luna Harrison

Nicknames: Loon (Valentine), Liu (Eren)

Age: 24

Birthday: Feb 10

Height: 5'6

Race: Human(?)

Status: Alive and probably drunk

Current Appearance: Long White Hair, Worn out Green Beanie, a Jacket-Vest over a Black Tanktop, Gray Sweatpants

Past Appearance: Tan Buttoned Blazer and Black Pleated Skirt (School Uniform), Camo Jacket with White Shirt and a Green Beanie (Casual)

Hobbies: Practicing Bar Tricks, Working Out, Watching Romantic Movies/Tv Shows

Skills: Good at Mixology, Interior Decorating, Fit

Strengths: Affectionate, Self-Reliant, Confident, Dexterous

Weaknesses: Can't say no to a drink, Tends to peer pressure others, Out of control emotions, Shameless (often embarasses Eren)

Likes: Being Drunk, Happiness, Alcohol, the color Light Blue

Dislikes: Being Sober, Loneliness, Flat Soda, the color Orange


One of Eren and Valentine's closest friends in High School. Unknown what happened to her after graduation but it turns out she was also living in Replay alone after all these years. Once Eren and Val reunite with her, they find out that she's become an alcoholic and depressed.


Valentine (Positive)

A close friend of Luna's. She likes her for her confident and direct approach to things as well as her cute red hair. Was overwhelmed when she saw the two of them at their place after so many years, instantly hugging them both. She's surprised by Val's new furryness and thinks that they look good as werewolves, still appalled by her ears and tail. While drunk, she stays in close contact with Val as they stuck together like fleas to a dog and teased each other in their drunken state.

Eren (Positive)

A close friend to Luna. She likes him for his calm and thoughtful take on things and tries to make him feel better about his werewolf side by saying it's cute and that other people are just jealous. Was overwhelmed when she saw the two of them just standing outside her door after 5 years, instantly pulling them into a group hug. She still teases Eren with jokes after all that time as a way to keep things less awkward. While drunk, she kept "encouraging" Eren to drink and to catch up with them, otherwise he's a wuss.

Sugar (Positive)

They met when Sugar and Landon became interested in knowing her so they can learn more things about Eren and Val but they end up bonding over their mutual like of alcohol and drink together. Afterwards, they become good friends as they go christmas shopping togehter and have a "Girl's day out" but end up bringing Val and Eren (who they consider acts like a girl enough) along when they encounter her and they all hang out and force Eren into a dress. Poor Eren.

When Sugar needed help rescuing the others, she thought to call Luna and asked for help which she instantly agreed to since Eren and Val are in danger. They work together well as a team and Luna does her best to help keep Sugar focused on rescuing them while also trying to comfort her. Sugar also told Luna about (almost) all the things that happened to them which gets Luna angry and sad but keeps her emotions in control so she can rescue them. This causes her to worry about Eren and Val more but is glad Sugar told her.

Tracy (Positive)

A cashier she met at the mall, she tried to use a mistletoe trick on Luna which she played into before stopping last second and laughs about it, although they exchange numbes and agree to meet up again sometime to hangout.

Sallie (Neutral)

One of the people she met at Val's celebration party, kinda got along with her as they got drunk together but Luna ended up passing out before a friendship could really be made.

Trivia/Random Facts

- First Character to own/have a journal attached to her character

- Only chararcter with White hair (I wonder why)

- Probably owes the mafia money

- One of the three characters who has more than one character who likes them. (not saying who though)

- One of the three characters who own a gun. The others being Eren and Valentine




Full Name:










Early Life

Current Life













Physical Looks





How they met:

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How they met:

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How they met:

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Trivia/Random Fun Facts