
Full Name: Max Sandson

Nicknames: mr pilot dude man... Max... max a million... Maximus... von dinkleberg (Landon, the idiot)

Age: 18

Race: Ability Mystic? (Otherwise Human)

Title: The Pilot

Current Appearance: jeb_ hair, isn't seen in anything but a pilots uniform.

Hobbies: Flying. Uhh..not much else to be fair.

Skills: Combat Prowess, Expert Pilot

Strengths: Fighting and Flying.

Weaknesses: Idk ask him.

Likes: Landon, being accepted and flying.

Dislikes: Being misgendered/deadnamed, Eren (mostly) and the people he works for.


Not even he knows his backstory to be honest.

Relationships (Based on Strongest)

Landon (Positive)

kinda gay ngl. Fellow Anime fan.

Sugar (Positive)

Kinda cute but no homo

Val (Neutral)

They barely interact. So far he only thinks she's kinky.

Eren (Negative)

You're so sussy I know you're gonna betray me

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

- More of a bottom guy himself

- Has apparently crushed his lungs