Full Name: Kakage Odon

Nicknames: Ven (self proclaimed, and used by most), Four Armed Freak (Mason)

Age: 32

Race: Mystic

Title: The Puppetmaster

Current Appearance: Orange medium length wavy hair, Elegant clothes, A Half (Now Full) Mask that has a singular eye and a partial grin on it.

Hobbies: Working for his magazine company, Sketching in his notepad, planning out the deaths of thousands

Skills: Dexterous, Strings that can psychically control people physically, Multitasking, Can fly/hover

Strengths: Smart, Calculated, Adept at fighting and tactics (Can take up to 3 people at once, although not super effectively)

Weaknesses: Tends to play with his food, Can get too caught up in his actions that he remains oblivious to others (which is how he was defeated)

Likes: Being cared about, Sugar (formally), The Darkness

Dislikes: Being ignored, Eren, Pockets


A mystic who was often bullied and ignored for his freakish 4 arms and looks. Years of constantly being rejected and outcasted has made him form a selfish and twisted outlook on life. Observing the people of replay, he has taken notice of other forms of discrimination and the mistreat of other mystics, much to his annoyance. His overall goal was to eradicate Replay and rebuild it into his "perfect" idea of it, with no more discrimination, everybody is accepted, and he's at the center of it all.

Relationships (Based on Strongest)

Lucille (Positive)

Considers her his strongest ally. Although their relationship is mainly professional and business related as he's done many favors to get on her good side. A soul and a lot of money for two souls. Together in death as he tries to get a refund in ghost credit.

Nicholas (Positive)

Doesn't mind him all too much and is quite playful/teasing towards him. Considers him a reluctant Ally as he's impressed by his designs and ideas so he tries to stay on his good side as well.

Gorge (Neutral)

Is indifferent about him as a person as he's really only grateful towards him since he got brought back to life. Although annoyed that his revival magic doesn't heal injuries/scars.

Mason (Negative)

Dislikes him equally as Terrin due to him being "distracted" when they should be focued on the task at hand.

Terrin (Negative)

Dislikes her equally as Mason due to her being "distracted" when they should be focused on the task at hand.

Sugar (Negative)

He met her under the alias of a mystic interviewer for a magazine, with the intent of gaining her trust then in turn using her string powers to help him. Obviously she loses trust in him after she finds out about his plan. Annoyed at her "betrayal" but still tries to make up with her at the ship. Disappointed that she doesn't feel the same way and considers her a lost cause. For now.

Valentine (Negative)

Was almost murdered along with her friends. Don't see how you can like a person who does that. Oh wait, there are people actually like that. Used her as a way to get back at Eren as he hurt her(in all ways)

Eren (Negative)

Hates Eren for killing him. Is revenge driven as he focuses solely on getting back at him, no matter the cost. (About 32k)

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

- He's the only character with more limbs than normal, with his 4 arms

- An actual formidable and threatening Villain

- Made Eren show emotion

- Face like ground beef

- First Antagonist killed by Eren.