

After Sugar goes home from the pizzeria a mystic magazine interviewer shows up to the door, soon interviewing her. The day after Eren gets interviewed too, but Sugar and Eren both get slightly suspicious of "Ven", the interviewer. The day after that Sugar and Landon are in the skate park, before they both get kidnapped and trapped in deadly springlock suits. Eren and Val manage to find them and get at least Sugar out, before a mysterious voice causes them to investigate before getting Landon out, soon getting caught up in a life threatening fight as Ven now uses Sugar to try to kill Eren and in turn Val, before attempting to use her for his genocide plans for the city. After Sugar chokes Eren, which in turn makes Ven choke Val Eren breaks free and starts attacking Ven face on, before he stabs his claws through his throat and starts slashing his face repeatedly until he's not recognisable. After Sugar breaks free she quickly goes and gets Landon out of his springlocks, bringing him back to the others when they're done. After Landon empties his stomach in the street they all head home (Eren passed out in Val's arms) and when Eren wakes up Sugar tells him what happened, but at least he's dead, right?


Sugar and Landon are painting the wooden sign outside Fazbears (Or really, Sugar is and Landon is watching.) as they chat to Freddy. Landon then gets the guts to ask if they were ghosts, which started to make him glitch out so Sugar sent him back inside. After a bit more talking, Landon makes the big mistake of dissing Eren while stepped close to the pizzeria, so Foxy starts charging around and completely tackles Landon to the ground, glitching and twitching severely as he is very angry with him. Landon gets terrified out of his wits and he quickly runs off to go home, leaving Sugar to finish the sign herself. As she leaves, she hears gravel on the rooftop, which is strange since the birds that stay up there aren't that heavy to move the gravel. She soon forgets about it and heads home after she finishes.

A few minutes after she arrives home there is a knock on the door and she opens it to reveal 'Mr. Ven' from the magazine 'Whimsical Mystics', claiming Sugar was the top voted Mystic of the district so he'd like to interview her for an article. She of course agrees, and they go back to the garden to talk. After a pleasant seeming interview, Mr Ven leaves on a cliffhanger on a story from his past. They both agree to meet at the pizzeria the next day (While he interviews Eren too since he is curious about him) and they part ways. Sugar exchanges a few words with Eren over text, before she finishes the rest of her day.

The next day, Sugar is at the pizzeria as Ven arrives and they exchange some words (Foxy greeting them too, but he seems..off around Ven?) while they wait for Eren, who soon smoke bombs into the dining area. They then all head downstairs to have their interview as Eren seems to get more and more suspicious of Ven (due to the nature of the magazine Sugar's article was printed in), before Ven gets to the subject of his story. He talks about a girl called Anne who he interviewed, who went missing the next day and never seen again. Eren doesn't seem to believe it, but Sugar is a little nervous but she's getting suspicious too. Things seem to be going okay until Ven lets it slip that Landon is a vampire when neither of them mentioned he was, which made them both incredibly suspicious and they soon 'kicked him out' best they could. After he leaves the siblings try to relax and they have a little fun with Foxy, before going to head home as they worry about the coming days involved with Ven.

The next day, Sugar abandons their 'meeting' at the pizzeria again like Ven wanted to do and she sits in the skate park with Landon roasting marshmallows. They both are enjoying their time wih each other until the windows start getting almost knocked on, from all sides. Sugar goes out to investigate, before finding a note that says 'alone' and she rushes back inside to find Landon unconscious next to the marshmallows. Before she can react a loud, jarring noise suddenly is made behind her and it sneaks up behind her, before she spins around to see some kind of half mask with a curve smile and an oval eye on it, who soon knocks her out as well.

When Sugar wakes up she realises to her horror she has been put into a Springbonnie springlock suit, as well as Landon being put into a Fredbear one (Who is still knocked out.) She manages to hold back the springlocks by staying as still as she can so she doesn't die. From whatever gods she prayed to, Eren started to call her and she managed to get the message across of the situation they were in and Eren ran as fast as he could to the skate park to rescue them, with Val. (Running, since they had no smoke bombs) as Eren and Val were coming, Landon woke up and started to panic but Sugar tried to keep him as calm as she should as her own springlocks started to tighten to almost snapping point.

After Eren and Val arrive, Val starts to try to get Landon's suit off but doesn't manage much, only managing to get the head off before Eren calls her over to help her with Sugar. After a tense few minutes, Sugar is free. But as she goes to take Landon's suit off, she is suddenly..controlled by something to make her stop walking. Chaos ensues as the masked figure makes himself known to them all (Who are still frozen). Sugar and Eren recognise him instantly as Ven, the exact man they were worried was gonna kidnap Sugar.

Ven seems to have a certain..attachment to Sugar, and he explains his plan to her, the plan to destroy everyone in Replay due to the discrimination and racism against the Mystics and he wants to rebuild it to be a perfect city, with him at the top of course. He asks Sugar to join him as his 'puppet' but she promptly says no, of course. This angers him, and he uses his own string-like abilities to control both Sugar and Val.

This of course concerns them both as Sugar is relentlessly attacking Eren against her own will and Val is forced to be hit with the same blows from Ven, a type of dance he calls the 'Reflection'. Sugar tries her hardest to hold back but she simply cannot help herself as she is forced to start choking Eren, which then of course starts choking Val. Something in Eren snaps as he sees this, and he uses a bone knife to stab Sugar in the arm to let him go (even past the control.) as he rushes to save Val.

Eren tackles Ven to the ground, stabbing him in the side with his bone knife. Sugar is forced to try to pull Eren off him, but he pushes her away before she can stop him and she tries her hardest to fight the control. After a few moments of fighting Eren suddenly plunges his claws deep into Ven's neck, cutting his throat from the inside it seems. Once Sugar is free from her control she helps give him karma as she bites into his shoulder and drops his head onto the floor, only watching as Eren starts to smash his head into the ground many times, making sure he's dead.

After he is dead, Eren then starts to use his claws to slash at Ven's face until he's completely unrecognisable, covering them both in blood. After Sugar then smashes his head with a brick, Eren stabs a bone stave through his chest for extra measure, before then falling to his knees as he puts the blood on his face in a pattern on the right side of his face.

During this, Sugar then leaves to get Landon out of his own springlock suit. He is of course demanding to know what happened, but Sugar promises to tell him later as she helps him remove his suit. After they finish, they take a few moments to recover before going out to see Val and Eren, who are both sat in silence as Eren appears to be asleep. Landon accidentally spies Ven's body and proceeds to throw up badly into the street, disgusted by his appearance.

After it's all over, Val says she can carry Eren home after Sugar and Landon leave and they do so, Sugar and Landon arriving home first. Sugar grabs healing cookies as Landon ponders whether Sugar loves him more, or just loves him as he picks at the flowers petals on the side table. When she comes back they banter a little, before Sugar quickly jumps into action as Val comes home with Eren in her arms, still asleep.

Sugar tries to give Eren a healing cookie but as usual he protests and just sticks the injuries out as Sugar takes her own cookies. Eren seems to have no recolletion of anything that had happened to them, so Sugar took the duty to retell the story. Landon goes to..empty his stomach again as Eren tries to take in it all, and this all ends with some almost married couple banter between Sugar and Landon as Val and Eren try to relax, the both of them falling asleep next to each other.