Springtrap Eren


The meat freezer is open so Springtrap escapes and he breaks the animatronics, before convincing Eren to go feral and attack Sugar. Fights happen and Sugar runs home, before Eren hurts Jenny and fights Sugar again as Landon calls the police. Then Eren accidentally kills someone and gets taken to jail, sentenced to death row. Sugar and Landon have to deal with Springtrap while Val 'interrogates' Eren. Then they all fight to get him out so he doesn't go to death row.


After Sugar went to the pizzeria Foxy said he wanted to see Eren, so Eren went. Sadly one of the chefs didn't close the meat freezer correctly so Springtrap escapes and starts destroying all the animatronics. As soon as Eren arrives Springtrap heads towards Foxy and Eren watches in horror as Foxy calls out to him as he's destroyed, left as parts on the floor. Springtrap then spots Eren and walks towards him, laughing as he starts talking about his 'old friend', Sugar, and how Eren is an old friend too. He then explains to Eren what happened and Eren is frozen, overwhelmed by the new information and everything's that happened. Springtrap starts slowly convincing Eren that Sugar did wrong and she deserves to be punished, along with everyone else. And he is extremely vulnerable so he soon believes him and as you say, turns 'Evil' Sugar is on a call with Landon as she arrives at the pizzeria but she spots Springtrap, forgetting to hang up as she drops her phone on the floor. She tries to pull Eren away before he suddenly attacks her, causing her to fight for her life as Landon comes to save her. As she fights Eren continues to yell at her for whatever she did wrong, making her extremely panicked and confused before she runs home with Landon, Eren close on her tail. Sugar runs upstairs and hides while Landon calls the police and Eren bursts inside as a human, looking for Sugar. Jenny starts talking to Eren, having no idea what's happening and she seems quite happy until Eren pushes her out of the way, causing her to hit her head and start crying. Landon eventually calls the police and Sugar is hidden in Eren's bedroom, having to fight him again as she tries to bring him back to her senses.

Sugar and Eren 'talk' (aka yell at each other) about what Sugar did to him and how she didn't save the others but she saved him. It all goes very badly as soon as Sugar falls to the floor and Eren nearly stabs her, before the police come, startling him. He then stumbles backwards and falls out of the window, killing the other police officer outside as he comes back to his senses. Sugar tries to catch him but she fails, staring in shock at the corpse of the officer. Eren then takes her and Landon and locks them in the garage, blocking the doors so they can't leave.

In progress