First Name


Title: The Dog

Full Name: Scruffy the Dog

Nicknames: Scruff

Birthday: Also unknown

Age: Unknown

Race: German Shepherd

Height: About up to their thighs

Status: Alive and petted

Job: Illegal therapy dog for Legion

Affiliations: Legion


Early Life

As a pup he was neglected and abused by his alcoholic owner, soon being taken away and put in an animal shelter to find a loving home.

Current Life

Once adopted by Frank and Julie, he now lives a flourising life filled with treats, pets and (unfortunately) bows. They're his favourite owners so he protects them with his life and helps them feel better when they're sad.




Fighting dream demons, therapy and giving judging looks


Smart, agile and loyal


If reminded of his previous owner he can become scared and lose his confidence



Being a therapy dog, giving condoms to Frank and Julie, being a lazy dog and eating food


Belly rubs, the fireplace and digging holes


Quentin, treats, pets and food


Bows, baths and the TV


The smell of alcohol, yelling, drunk people and people hurting his owners


Physical Looks

He's a fairly common looking brown and black dog but he has heterochromia, one eye brown and the other a light grey


Susie often tortures him with pink bows and ballerina skirts.



How they met: He met Frank at the animal shelter and they clicked straight away

Personal Sentiments: While he'd defend Frank with his life, he wishes he would give up the alcohol because it reminds him of the past too much.

Extras: Smarter than he seems, Scruffy understands a lot of Franks issues and he tries his best to help him.


How they met: They met when Frank took Scruffy home for the first time

Personal Sentiments: To him, Julie is like a pack leader so he looks up to her and does as she wishes.

Extras: He likes her scritches the most


How they met: He met Susie when he went to Val's house for the first time

Personal Sentiments: She always puts him in bows and skirts. He looks terrible in them.

Extras: One day, he'll put a bow on HER.

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

- Basically their ESA at this point.

- Surprisingly good at fighing dream demons