
Current Name: Springtrap

Possible Name: William Afton

Nicknames: "Old Friend", Springtarp (Autocorrect), Spring Town (Also autocorrect), Sausage roll (Irl eren and sugar), Hot dog (spynut in a discord server)

Lifespan: Dead. Hopefully.

Possible Age: ??

Race: Possessed Springsuit/Walking Corpse

Title: The Undying

Current Appearance: Severely damaged Springbonnie suit from wear, tear, and aging. With a fused corpse inside it.

Hobbies: Murdering Kids/Teens, Chilling with Min

Skills: Murder Skills

Strengths: Immense Strength, Near-Regenerative Powers, Very Strong Will

Weaknesses: Can be overpowered if opponent is empowered enough, Suffers from chronic issues and lack of oiling


Child Murderer. When his son was killed at fazbears by fredbear he uh..murdered 'Marie' and then a whole bunch of other kids later. Not in the mood to write much lore, but hey got the killing right

Relationships (Based on Strongest)


Everybody hates him, especially Sugar.

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

- Was turned into a chew toy, and then into a lump of coal/pile of ash.

- Is an 'old friend' of Sugar's

- First Antagonist killed by Sugar