Sugar's Bday


After Eren makes her pancakes, Sugar and Eren head to the pizzeria to "meet the health inspector". Turns out it's actually Sugar's birthday, and Val, Landon, Eren, The animatronics and even Min all pitched in to celebrate! They all have fun playing some games after Min brings out the cake and Sugar and Landon leave to "cuddle" before they stop by the skate park to get Landon's wallet, before they realise Ven's body is gone, only his blood stain to show what happened. They head home, of course a little shaken and Sugar calls Eren so Eren and Valentine can go investigate the skate park properly and's not the brightest birthday Sugar has had.


Sugar wakes up to a call from Eren who tells her it is a 'very important day' so Sugar assumes the health inspector is coming since she has forgotten it's her birthday due to the events of last week (Puppetmaster plot). He tells her to come downstairs so she does, obviously quite tired since 10am is of course too early to wake up. She realises Eren made pancakes for her and she eats them happily, still unaware it is her birthday. When she is done he tidies up and they get ready to go to the pizzeria.

They bond a little on the way to the pizzeria before they arrive, Sugar waiting in the lobby after Eren tells her too. She rushes through as soon as she hears a scream, before the lights turn on to reveal the pizzeria decked out for her birthday, with everyone from Landon to the animatronics wearing their own special party hats. Of course, Sugar is given one too since she is the birthday girl. She is obviously very pleased and quickly relaxes into the party, or..more so into Landon's arms.

After a few minutes, Min suddenly brings out the cake as she meekly sings Happy Birthday to Sugar as all the others join in. Well, everyone except Landon who just wants a slice of cake. And Chica, who is also too busy looking at the cake to sing. When Sugar makes her wish, they all take a slice and enjoy the cake Min baked for Sugar, chatting happily as they do so. Apart from the animatronics of course, they can't eat to start with.

After they eat, Eren tells the animatronics to go to separate locations around the pizzeria, causing Sugar to be incredibly confused. After a bit, Eren walks up onto stage with one of Freddy's spare top hats and microphone, announcing to everyone: "Ladies, welcome to tonights game show..Truth or Dare-Questionaire, Sugar edition"

After majority rules with Val and Sugar to hear the rules, Eren asks Sugar to come up on stage to demonstrate how the game works, and up onto stage she goes. Eren explains that she has to ask a question about herself to someone, and they have to get it right. If they do, it's a forced truth or dare for Sugar. IF they get it wrong, it's a forced truth or dare for whoever was asked instead. Sugar understands it pretty quickly so she starts with asking Landon.

She starts off simple for Landon, asking simply "who's my favourite person to play in Five Nights with Friends?" but of course Landon knows the answer so he says "Nightguard", which is correct. In tern, Sugar asks for Truth so Landon asks "Out of the animatronics, who do you dislike the most" so Sugar replies "Chica, she keeps shoving her face in my business" honestly, causing Val to compare Chica to Ally.

The next person Sugar asks is Eren, with the simple question of "What was the one issue Chica used to have that I had to keep constantly fixing with her old suit?" but of course, being the other owner he knows the answer and replies in relief with "Her old beak kept falling off, now that she has a new suit and new beak, it's been pretty sturdy since." Which means Sugar picks dare and Landon jumps in to dare her to insult Eren aorund Foxy while wearing a Bonnie head, but since they recognise her voice that was a bust so Landon dared her to slap Eren, or to Insult him. She 'slaps' him, basically patting his cheek since 'you didn't say how hard'. Eren plays along, and Landon's annoyed but that's a dare done for Sugar.

Sugar then turns to Val, asking her "What is the name of my animal crossing island" which surprisingly Val gets wrong with the reply of "Flower-Town" so Val gets a dare to kiss Eren. But Eren quickly hops in to say that he didn't make any rules on technical workarounds so he says she should lick his cheek as a wolf as a technical kiss. Val complies, shifting quickly to lick his totally not slightly blushing cheek when Eren kneels down next to her and they both part quickly, Val shifting human again.

Sugar quickly moves to the next question, knowing that Landon will fail as she asks "When did Marie die?" to which he replies "from the bite of 87?" which is wrong so Landon picks truth, causing Sugar to ask "What was the most embarrassing moment of your life? Explain in great detail please." which then makes Landon think intensely for a while, you could almost hear the cogs grinding in his brain before he starts talking about a story where he went to a college campus with Bonnie and one of the speakers was a cow mystic with just a deep voice, but Landon being the idiot he is accidentally called her mister when looking for the bathroom and he ended it with "she may have been a cow but she could definitely hit like a bull" which seems to even cause him some good old phantom pain as he rubs his side.

Sugar then turned to Eren, asking him the same question. Eren seemed surprised but he worked it out in his head and said 'March 8th 2011?' which is wrong, but Sugar gave him the win anyway solely for remembering who she was. Plus, he was pretty close. Eren asked her truth or dare, and she said truth which prompted him to ask 'waffles or pancakes?' Naturally, Sugar chose pancakes. Landon protested that Waffles are better but no one can change Sugar's mind once she's chosen a choice.

Then, the next question was for Val. Quite simple, 'who is Marie?' Sugar asked, knowing Val would lose. Val seemed to think for a moment, before saying 'isn't she the girl we brought back from the final fantasy bored game?' which was technically true, but was the wrong Marie. So..Val lost. Sugar brewed up a question for her after she picked truth, and she picked the one question that both Val and Eren dreaded.

"Do you have any...romantic feelings towards Eren?" She asked, making both Val AND Eren glare at her (Even on her birthday). Val didn't answer yes or no, but Sugar took that as a yes to Val's annoyance. Landon tried to tell Val to whisper it to her so Sugar could keep it secret, but Val knew Sugar would blab it to everyone. Eren tries to ask Min (who has been watching this entire time) if they should forfeit and she just says ' I mean it's quite amusing watching you guys squabble, but sure, go make a forfeit if you're pussies.' which Eren happily does as he admits he's been called worse.

Landon protests and says that it's Sugar's birthday, so she should decide. She decides to just give up and eat her cake. Eren walks off to talk to Min, and Sugar and Landon fight about him trying to eat Eren's cake. He tries to take Val's slice too, but she eats it with a glare. Eventually Landon and Sugar get on the topic of Eren and Val's relationship, and after a bit they decide to go to the office to relax. Although, that's probably not going to happen considering Bonnie and Foxy are in the office too.

Sugar and Landon chat with the animatronics for a while, the four of them surprisingly nice to each other. After a while, Bonnie and Foxy leave and Sugar and Landon try to plan out where they should cuddle. Sugar suggests finishing the marshmallows they left at the skate park and Landon seems hesitant to go there a first, until he remembers he left his wallet there. So they both reluctantly leave to go to the skate park again, leaving Val and Eren at the pizzeria.

They both chat as they walk around the building to the skate park and Sugar heads inside after noticing some red skid marks on the floor and she prepares to smell the body before..she realises the smell isn't there. All that remains from the fight is a huge dark red stain on the floor where the skid marks start. Landon tries to get Sugar to leave, but she's already too stressed from everything to think rationally.

Eventually, Sugar runs home with Landon in her pocket as she tries not to panic too much. Surely the missing body of the guy her brother killed is a totally fine situation, right? As Landon said, 'what the hell happened that he's gone?!' which is true. Eventually they get home and Sugar calls Eren to tell him what happened. Eren and Val agree to go to the skate park together to find out what happened. The both of them use a smoke bomb to get to Val's house so she can grab her gear, then another one to the skate park.

They both look around the skate park, trying to work out what happened. Val tries to track a scent, Eren following her tail and they both talk about who it might be. They both suspect it could be a vampire, which concerns Eren since the only other vampire he knows is meant to be dead. They end up in an alleyway when the scent stops, and Val realises that the body was put in a car. After some worried planning from the both of them, Val and Eren grab her kit and go back to Sugar's house to tell them what they found.

Sugar and Landon, in the middle of Bolt see Eren and Val arrive and quickly quiz them on what happened. Eren tells them what they found and that it wasn't the police, but it could be a vampire. The four of them eventually plan to house Ally with Jenny, Kyle, Crystal and Alyssa in the basement during all of this, and they plan to just lay low until something happens. Which probably will, knowing their life. After they decide this, they all watch the rest of Bolt together and Sugar and Landon go upstairs to sleep. What an eventful birthday.