Sugar's Nightmare (Coma)


Jay and Jenny's prank of switching Sugar's cookies lead to Sugar falling (literally) into a coma after trying to heal a wound. In the coma she experiences traumatic nightmares.


In the aftermath of Jenny and Jay doing pranks together, Jenny swaps Sugar's healing cookies with her harmful ones. As Sugar and Landon test her string strength her string rips, so in turn she goes home to try a healing cookie to recover. But since they were swapped she had a harming cookie without realising and she soon got a splitting headache and she threw up, before passing out (hitting her head on the sink in the process) in the bathroom as Landon waited in the garage for her.

After Landon finds her he promptly calls an ambulance and she gets taken to hospital, soon fully hooked up to the machines. She seems almost dead to the outside world, but in her dreams she doesn't even realise she is dreaming. She goes downstairs to make a healing serum with Landon but the mood turns sour as he starts insulting her, before eventually shoving her against the wall and trying to strangle her. She of course fights back with her strings, but in this nightmare dream world her strings seem to have a mind of their own and when Landon tries to throw a wrench at her afte she pins him to the ground, her strings fight back and they pin his arms down, plus using the wrench to hit him across the head as more strings strangle him. Sugar is obviously very shocked and she is trying to stop her strings, but to no avail as Landon soon eventually just..dies on the floor. Sugar is obviously very shaken and she stares at his corpse, unaware she is only dreaming since she thinks she has actually killed him.

A few moments later she'd transported to another part of the 'dream', which features Valentine. They are sitting and talking about the full moon while they wait for Eren, but they soon agree to meet outside to admire the moon. Sugar soon shifted wolf and laid down near the pool as Valentine pretended to interrogate the moon while she pointed a finger gun at it, before the mood suddenly changed as Valentine accused Sugar of 'stealing' Eren from her. Soon she 'shot' Sugar, causing her to flip out and assault Valentine. completely rogue from the full moons affects on her. Valentine tries to fight back, but is soon overpowered as Sugar slashes her claws across Val's neck, causing her to bleed out and die underneath Sugar. She soon comes to her senses and she is obviously extremely shocked and terrified, she did just kill her best friend.

Just as Sugar starts to have a breakdown Eren knocks on the door and she goes to open it, only to find she has somehow a ghost, she cannot touch somebody or anything, she can't even be heard. Eren is very confused that no one answers of course, and he goes to investigate. He soon smells the blood from outside and he goes to see what it is, before he sees Valentine's corpse, and another corpse that is very similar to Sugar's wolf form. Eren assumes Sugar and both Valentine are dead, so he respectfullly closes their eyes and then grabs a knife from nearby, before stabbing it into his throat and dying right next to Valentine.

Back in the real world, Landon is sat next to Sugar, wishing she wakes up. As he looks around he gets an idea and he checks the room is empty, before slowly kissing her cheek. By a miracle, she wakes up a few moments later and she looks around the hospital room in confusion. She then notices Landon and stares at him, since she believed she had actually killed him. She panics for a moment before he soon calms her down. Then Eren soon comes in and Valentine follows after, teasing Landon about his little secret that he did to Sugar. They banter for a few more minutes, before Erentine soon leave Sugar and Landon alone. They laugh together and Sugar jokingly threatens Landon if he drops her switch and they tease each other endlessly, before Landon finally leaves Sugar alone to dwell in her thoughts.