The Oracle


Eren and Val finally decide to bury the hatchet and find out what happened to their old friend, Luna.


Val and Eren wake up the next morning after Val's bday where they fell asleep on the poolside together. As they come to, Eren looks for and talks to Sugar where he finds out she dropped Ally off at home last night. He tells Val and they decide to head over to her house so they can check out the Journal that she mentioned. To warm up the morning muscles, the two of them decide to race to her house as wolves since it's been a while so on the count of 'Ready, set, go' they dash off. Eren gets a slight headstart with Val close behind on his tail so he decides to cut into an alleyway where she can't "cheat" and follow him, Val believes that she's got this in the bag so she keeps running and a few minutes later, no Eren in sight, she arrives at her house almost running into the door, only for Eren to open the door from inside, showing that he 'won' the race. Since she lost the bet, she has to go wake up Ally the demon and she does so by splashing water on her, this annoys her and Allys warns her to watch out for any bugs.

can I get a fecking uhhhhhhhhh....