

Full Name: Tracy Limona

Nicknames: Trace (Luna)

Age: 22

Birthday: July 14th

Race: Human (?)

Current Appearance: Blonde styled hair, Black leather jacket with various tops, jeans, and boots

Hobbies: Gaming, being Gay and simping.

Skills: Can drive a motorcycle.


Weaknesses: She has some kind of link with smoking and when she was younger she was used by a lot of guys for her body, so she half has a mindset on that's how love works.

Likes: Luna, being gay.

Dislikes: Losing her chance with Luna.


A Store Clerk, she's cool. She's gay and hasn't been treated great by boys, but all she wants is some girl love.

Relationships (Based on Strongest)

Luna (Positive)

A friend of hers that she struggles to be friends with because she has such strong feelings for her, but she pushes the feelings aside in hope that one day Luna would like her back.

Grace (Positive)

Totally not a simp

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

- Gay