Valentine's Birthday


It's Valentine's birthday and Eren decides to celebrate it with a party.


Valentine wakes up to Ally pounding on her door so she unlocks it and gets tackle hugged by Ally, wishing her a happy birthday. Ally mentions that her boss called earlier because she's an hour late to work but tells her that she answered the phone, saying that Val was busy with her 'BF' which is why she overslept. Annoyed, Val quickly gets ready for work but gets a phone call, thinking it's her boss she answers it just to find out it's Eren. He asks her for her help with getting forms to make Jay work at community service as payback which she agrees to but after work. After hanging up, she gets another call from the boss informing her about all the work she has to catch up on which she isn't too happy about, begrudgingly leaving for work.

Eren uses this time to recruit Ally and Sugar to help him with his plans of making a surprise birthday party for Valentine which they agree to help with. Once Val finishes work and arrives home, she discovers that Ally left a note saying that she's hanging out with the neighborhood kids and that she left her a sandwich since she's the 'woman of the house'. While eating the sandwich, she receives a call from Eren who tells her that he's on his way to pick her up for Jay's community service thing in which she gets ready. A few minutes later, she gets a text saying 'Am uber, come outside' from Eren, meeting him outside and getting in the car, they start driving over to Sugar's house. While on the way there, Eren reminiscences about Luna wondering where she is since he misses her, Val agrees to help him look for her in the future once she gets free time to do so.

Valentine ends up sleeping on the way so when they arrive there, Eren covers hers eyes as he wakes her up, leading her out of the car. She gets worried but once Eren uncovers her eyes, he reveals the birthday party deco that's set up for her which leaves her amazed. They enter the house where Ally tackle hugs Val for the 2nd time in the day as she hugs her back, happy about the birthday suprise. Ally then brings Val over to play AC with her and even invites Eren to play with them, making sure there's room for the two to sit next to each other to which he agrees to playing with them, stating he hasn't play AC in a year.

An hour passes and Eren receives a text from Sugar to bring Val to the dining room where she has something planned. He brings the two over there where the lights turn off and Sugar walks in with a candlelit cake, half-singing happy birthday to Val with Ally singing along off key on purpose. She blows out the candle, making a wish and Eren throws a pocketful of confetti into the air to celebrate Valentine's 23rd Birthday. After a short debate on who cuts the cake, Val ends up doing it since she's the birthday girl and Ally tries to use that logic to get the first slice but ends up getting the last and smallest slice. Feeling bad, Eren switches his slice with hers which she is thankful for.

After some friendly conversation about doorknobs and eating their cake, Ally suggests they go back to playing AC but Eren stops Val since he has something to give her so Sugar takes her spot instead. Once they're alone in the dining room, Eren takes out a present and gives it to her to which she's surprised by, quickly opening it. Inside the present, there's a set of bracelets which was Eren and Val's old friendship bracelets back in high school that Val happily puts on, Eren rolling up his sleeve revealing his set. They think back to their high school days with Luna and hope that she's doing well, joking about her fate. They quickly hug and decide to go outside since it's hot in the house with Ally and Sugar's screams/yells.

Outside, Valentine sits criss cross on the pool's edge but Eren simply takes his shoes off and sits on the pool edge with his legs and pants dipped in, calling her a coward. Giving in to the "peer pressure", she also dips her legs/pants into the pool with him. Eren then splashes her with water, playing water tag with her to which she plays along, splashing him back. A few minutes later, Ally wonders where her sister went, thinking they went to kiss somewhere so she goes looking for them with Sugar, soon finding them outside on the pool. Ally takes a quick photo and tries to disturb them but Sugar takes her back in to leave them alone.

And scene.