
Full Name: Varine Vasch Convico

Nicknames: VV (Eren)

Age: 23

Race: Thought to be human at first, but actually an Ability Mystic turned into a werewolf before he died.

Title: The Showman.

Current Appearance: ..Uhm, pretty dead. But normally, medium length black hair, pink eyes, a type of red and dark blue suit with red shoes and gloves.

Hobbies: Misunderstanding things and kidnapping people.

Skills: Talking to a crowd

Strengths: uh, kidnapping people and is good with talking to a crowd like Lucille.

Weaknesses: He is quick to misunderstand, easy to hold a grudge and is very stubbon.

Likes: Werewolves being dead, probably spending time with his sister and shooting people.

Dislikes: Eren, Werewolves and getting shot.


Not much is known about him to the gang except he is brother to Lucille Convico, the woman who kidnapped Sugar and Alyssa. From what they know, he found her body and started a grudge against the 3 of them since he assumed the werewolves had killed her. He inherited Lucille's business for about 5 minutes before he died again. Twice. Should've written a will.

Relationships (Based on Strongest)

Lucille (Positive)

Not much is known about their relationship except the fact that they were probably close considering his reaction to her death which made him go on an almost werewolf genocide spree.

Eren (Negative)

Varine hates Eren. Simple as. He's the one that brought him back to life after being killed by Sugar, then turned him into the one thing he despied just to torture him and then kill him in an extremely painful way in the forest by shoving a silver chain down his throat to choke and burn him. So yeah, he hates him.

Sugar (Negative)

He also hates Sugar because she's the reason Lucille is dead, and she killed him the first time around when he was just about to finally kill her. So..a lovely bit of hate. But he feels satisfied because he managed to torture her a little when he put a cloth in her mouth and put shock bracelets on her. Both the Convicos seem to enjoy being quite..shocking to people.

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

Sugar designed him fully :) and I'm proud of it

Is the only other person to die twice other than Sugar.