
"I deserve to be trapped in this.. globe for eternity.. even if it makes me wish I was dead instead.. I deserve it."

Song Name

Title: The 2nd Ex

Full Name: Kieran Kensai

Nicknames: None

Birthday: September 17th

Age: 22

Race: Full Mystic Rabbit

Height: 5'10 (Excluding Ears)

Status: Undead, trapped in a globe

Job: Unemployed

Affiliations: Rabbits, Terrin's exs


Early Life

Average high school bully/hero, loved by none but his friends, often put Terrin in danger to "rescue" her

Current Life

Stuck in a globe after failing his mission



A major jerk who is extremely self centered but does care about certain people who matter to him deep down under his otherwise confident exterior


Being a jerk, telekinetic powers




Has a strong heart for those that really matters to him (easily manipulated), playing with his food



Playing Guitar, Listening to music, picking on people


His ma and her cooking, Terrin lacking in the clothing department


The Guitar, getting drunk or high, carrots


Annoying people, anything that Aiden likes, meat


Eren, Mason, predators


Physical Looks

A grey furred rabbit with brown eyes


Leather padded grey cardigan sweater with ripped jeans and combat boots



"....You have a heart.. even after all the sh't we did to you... you still.. have one..."

Song Name

Status: Ex

How they met: Went to the same school together growing up

Personal Sentiments: Devised many plans to try and get her back once he realizes she was back in town, no matter what. But he has ultimately failed. Still loves her even though he knows she'll never accept him back, he still secretly hopes she will one day

Extras: Misses Terrin in a bikini


"I'm not even anything special, Aiden is the real star of the show out of the two of us.."

Song Name

Status: Adoptive Brothers

How they met: When his parents adopted him

Personal Sentiments: He hated Aiden for taking up all the attention from his parents and for overshadowing him with how well he did in school which developed a lasting resentment until unwittingly sympathizing with him due to Mason's treatment where he considers if maybe he was too harsh.

Extras: Can't decide whether he hates him or not


"You think I'd be happy about my ex girlfriend being with another guy?"

Song Name

Status: Neutral Enemy

How they met: At the abandoned school

Personal Sentiments: In utter disbelief that Terrin has fallen for a werewolf, despite it, he's glad he makes Terrin happy

Extras: Hates thinking about him

"He's a.. no good f'cking lying backstabbing b'tch who cares about nothing but himself.."

Song Name

Status: Enemy

How they met: Approached by Mason and made a deal

Personal Sentiments: Thought that they would work together to take Terrin back but realizes that he doesn't care about anybody else but her and hates him for messing with Aiden and faking that he killed their parents

Extras: They totally fecked

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

- He in da globe