
"They're fighters, and... so am I!"

Song Name

Title: The Secretary

Full Name: Sandy Bebei

Nicknames: Sandy BB (us)

Birthday: June 17th

Age: 22

Race: Partial Dog Mystic

Height: 5'2

Status: Alive

Job: Receptionist at North RPD Station

Affiliations: RPD


Early Life

Growing up, Sandy didn't fit in. She didn't understand the other kids and their jokes, and she was always 'the fat one'. But she didn't let it phase her and she excelled at school which gave her enough qualifications to get a job after Sallie recommended the RPD.

Plot Life

Sandy has been involved in a few plots. Her biggest involvement was during Chief, where she saved Eren and Val's life at the last moment, later on managing to overpower the Ox Ortho Briggs. She testified against him in court, and provided crucial proof of his crimes. Since then, she's helped Val recover from her triggers from Brigg's and she's been on the side. She had a small plot where Eren and Val turned her into a dog, but Sandy is happy about that. She can talk to her doggies all day and now they can talk back. Recently, Sandy had the spotlight after one cursed evening when Sebastian attempted to kill her. But once again, she is on the side and she's content.

Current Life

Sandy continues her job as the Secetary/receptionist and she is very happy. She's with her friends and she's finally safe (other than Sebastian..).



Sandy is a sweet girl who is just trying to live each day as happily as she can. She loves working at the station and spends a lot of her time playing Minesweeper or being with Jackson (Dubbed 'Birb' by her) and her sister. She has a heart of gold and seems quite innocent, but if you cross her then you'll find hidden fangs. She's very resourceful and notices patterns and details very easily.


Admin and paperwork, Minesweeper


Can be deceiving (Acting innocent before turning against them), Heightened senses (Hearing, Smell) and she's extremely loyal


Easily overstimulated or scared, can sometimes struggle with reading people (their body language, expression etc.) and isn't good in a fight (She isn't fit)



Minesweeper, teasing Eren and Val, birb hugs.


Her dogs, pancakes, stimming and Minesweeper.


Coffee, watching movies with her friends and walking her dogs.


Burning her pancakes, being treated like a child and not being taken seriously.


Sebastian, bright lights and lots of loud noises.


Physical Looks

She has short brunette hair tied in a bb ponytail with her bangs swept to the side, Grey Eyes, Golden Labrador ears and tail.


(RPD Uniform) Buttoned-Up Dress Shirt with a Medium-Length Pencil Skirt, Gray Tights, An ID badge on a Lanyard and headphones around her neck.




Song Name

Status: Sister

How they met: Growing up together

Personal Sentiments: Life was hard growing up and didn't get easier for the two girls as they got older but they learned to cope. After Sallie signed up to the..program, they managed to move somewhere nice and even though work was (in Sandy's words) 'a chore', they were happy. Now Briggs is gone, work is no longer a chore and they spent lots of time together.

Extras: Even though Sallie doesn't really understand her, she's happy to have her sister.



Song Name

Status: Colleague and Friend

How they met: She met Jackson when he first joined the station and they quickly became friends.

Personal Sentiments: She loves his hugs and his company. He's really fun to be around and she's happy Sallie likes him too. It's very nice of him to let Sandy stay at his house sometimes when she's scared about Sebastian and she hopes they can go on their flying trips more often.

Extras: Midnight Brioche Snacks for the win.



Status: Colleague/Boss and Friend

How they met: She met Val when she joined the station and they started to become friends after Val became a detective.

Personal Sentiments: Sandy is very happy that Val is Chief now, and she's also happy she has Eren. They've been through a lot and she hopes that they stay together forever and Val is happy with her job.

Extras: Even though she is best friends with her, Sandy is still too scared to ask for days off. Val got very scary after she turned into that full wolf mystic for a bit.



Status: Close Friends

How they met: When Eren snuck into RPD to stay with Val.

Personal Sentiments: She's very happy for Eren and Val and she hopes they stay safe since they have a lot of bad situations.

Extras: She hopes if they get married, she can sit near the front with flowers.

Daisy and Bear


Status: Owner

How they met: When her and Sallie went to the shelter and found the two dogs as puppies

Personal Sentiments: She's trying her best to make them happy and she loves them and appreciates them.

Extras: She hopes one day she can train Daisy to sneak into Sallie's room when Jackson is there, to surprise them..



Status: Friends

How they met: Sugar terrified Sandy when they first met when Sugar threatened her to keep her break-in a secret.

Personal Sentiments: They're both friends and often talk about Eren and Val together.




Song Name

Status: Enemy

How they met: When Sebastian 'transferred' to their station she was quite happy to talk to him.

Personal Sentiments: She hates what he did to all those other canine mystics, and to her dogs. Now he's free, she's terrified he'll kill her but she tries not to worry the others by saying it.

Extras: She hopes that next time he attacks, she can help more. She wants to be the one to shove him behind those iron bars, and keep him there.


"Hurt my Sister and my friends you say, you get the horns!"

Song Name

Status: Mortal Enemy

How they met: Sandy met Briggs when she first got the job at the station. But she truly met him after Sallie got her roped into the program.

Personal Sentiments: She hates him for what he did to Eren and Val (She thinks that what he did to her isn't as bad, so it doesn't matter) and she's glad that he's in jail. She just hopes he won't get out to put anyone else in danger.

Extras: She's still chuffed she managed to fight back against him.

Trivia/Random Fun Facts

- Autism