

Gimmie More - Britney Spears

Title: The Dancer

Full Name: Kalie Convico

Nicknames: Kal (Lyrin)

Birthday: 4th April

Age: 21 (2 minutes older than Lyrin)

Race: Ability Mystic (Strings, Extreme Flexibility)

Height: 5'6

Status: Alive

Job: Previously a dancer, now unemployed.

Affiliations: The Convico Family


Early Life

With parents like Lucille and Kakage, her and Lyrin quickly gained independence and took care of each other as they grew older. They were as close as two peas in a pod and they were barely seen apart. After many years, they found our their parents were dead and that the club was passed onto them. They quickly re-opened the club into a moer 'chill' vibe, serving all manner of customers (Including the main four at some point) as Kalie would entertain with her (Poles not included) ribbon dancing. But that plan was quickly changed once their parents showed up unannounced one evening.

Plot Life

(During Club Revisit) One evening, their parents appeared unannounced at their club and Kakage captured her, controlling her with his strings as she was forced to watch Mason and Ethan gas and kidnap their customers. Some time later she regained consciousness after being gassed as well and she found herself in her mother's trademark dancers outfit, complete with the shock collar, pole and stage. Her parents forced her to dance so that Lyrin wouldn't be hurt, and she took many electric shocks and punishments before she finally caved and did as they wanted. Time went on, weeks went by. Mason had been her 'patron' many times as he rotated between the girls and one day, Luke walked up to her stage with 'testing' on his mind. She reluctantly went with him to a private room but got caught in the middle of the act by Lyrin, who nearly drowned Luke with a water bubble before proceeding to pass out. Kakage found them (and Vanny, who was hiding) and forced Kalie to go back on stage, punishing Lyrin afterwards. But even with punishments and shocks, Kalie was stubborn and she told whatever she could to Eren when he visited, causing Clara to be saved soon after she was kidnapped. But it took another few motnhs before Kalie could be saved. When the main 3 (and co) raided the club to rescue Eren, Jenny and whoever else that was under their control, Kalie broke free and after some fighting, Kalie's powers seemed to grow stronger and she managed to overpower Kakage. She then forced him to dance how she would, spinning in a circle as Valentine just..talked to him. Time passed, and Lyrin and Kalie managed to escape the grasp of their parents, getting an apartment in East Replay.

Current Life

She now lives in East Replay with Lyrin and Vanny as the three of them share an apartment. Their life is rather uneventful, except the rare occurance where Kakage visits or Lyrin orders pizza.



Kalie is the mature twin, always attempting to keep the 'neutral' point of view, or listening to both sides instead of just sticking on one side. But when she is angered, her maturity is gone as she is overcome by her emotions. When around her family, she is rather content. She's the 'mother' type of friend, and always makes sure everyone is happy. She honestly prefers not being around people, but both of them can't avoid people. She truly flourishes when she dances as she feels free, lost in the music. This love was tarnished by the dancing her parents made her do for hours, days on end at the club but it is slowly rekindling through playing dancing games with Lyrin and Vanny. On some days, she may fall into a depressive mood and she will remember the events of the club, losing her grip on reaity. Her reaction to flashbacks is usually silence, trapped in her own head. So far, Lyrin hasn't noticed these. He just awkwardly assumes she's on her period. But on most days, Kalie is a lovely girl and she strives to take care of those around her, putting them before her.


Ribbon dancing, Strings that can compel (Like Kakage's) and burns those who are being touched by her strings while she is angry and extreme flexibility.


Flexibility, Tactfulness, Stubbornness and Loyalty.


Loyalty, can easily be aggressive and she can be easily triggered of her trauma.



Watching TV, beating Lyrin at Just Dance and just..normal dancing in general.


Her brother, spending time with her family and playing games.


Teasing her brother about Vanny, dancing and her brothers drink mixes.


Strip clubs/strippers (She's fine with consenting ones, it just triggers her), Lyrin's cooking, and being reminded of her time on the stage.


Strip clubs, her strings and people touching her closet.


Physical Looks

Orange short wavy hair with black eyes and a slim frame.


Cream off-the-shoulder cropped sweater with denim shorts and small high heels.




Song Name

Status: Twin Brother

How they met: Being born with him

Personal Sentiments: Growing up with him, they are closer than most siblings. After the club, she worries for Lyrin's mental health. He doesn't share how he feels to either her or Vanny. She just hopes one day he'll open up to her, since she knows that he isn't bulletproof. He saw a lot of shit. But club aside, she's proud of her little brother ("I'm not little!" he'd say) and his goal in finding a job.

Extras: Also, maybe one day he'll tell her where he hid her bra. She knows he did it.



Song Name

Status: Close Friend

How they met: She met her at the club, after finding her with her brother.

Personal Sentiments: She and Vanny are kinda close since they live together and they went through very similar experiences. She still teases Vanny about Lyrin but Vanny just laughs it off.

Extras: Kalie is happy Lyrin finally found a girl, and she's also happy to have another girl in the house. She feels pity for Lyrin when their cycles sync up.



Song Name

Status: Friend

How they met: When Eren came to the revamped club for the first time

Personal Sentiments: After the main four arrived at the club, she was nervous to meet them. But Eren gave her some advice, and helped her feel more comfortable. When Eren came to the club, she tried her best to warn him of the dangers there, much to her mothers dismay. She misses talking to him and she hopes him and his friensd and family are safe now.

Extras: She'd like to meet up with Eren again, hopefully without the hidden cameras and the lingering dread of the club this time.



Song Name

Status: Father

How they met: Him being her father

Personal Sentiments: Growing up, their parents were never around. Upon hearing of their death, Kalie was..relieved. But when he came back and confronted her in her club, years of neglect came rushing back. She tried to fight, but he easily overpowered her and fell under his control. Over his time running the club, he had no love for her and she despised him. When the others attacked, she managed to overpower him instead. Afterwards, he fled and they didn't hear from him until a few months later when he shwoed up with money. The focus was mostly on Micheal, but he visited again on Christmas. He apologised for what he had done, and she felt a tinge of forgiveness. She's not entirely sure if she should listen to it, though.

Extras: Maybe when he visits next, they can all play games together.



Mother Knows Best (Reprise) - Donna Murphy

Status: Mother

How they met: Birthing her

Personal Sentiments: She is hesitant on her feelings about her mother, after she (almost instantly after retaking the club) made her a prostitute. But now, after the club, Lucille has changed. She seems to regret her actions, but Kalie can't forgive her. Not yet.

Extras: For one thing, she knows she will never forgive both her parents for hurting Lyrin.



Status: Uncle

How they met: From being a brother to her mother

Personal Sentiments: She likes her uncle Varine but she knows he doesn't like her much. He always preferred Lyrin, she guesses it's because he looks more like a proper Convico.

Extras: Maybe one day Kalie will be his first choice when he picks between them.


Status: Acquaintance

How they met: When Kakage showed up at their door with cash, and Lyrin punched him in the face.

Personal Sentiments: She's still working out how to feel about him but she feels bad for him. She doesn't like how Vanny and Lyrin mock him and she doesn't understand why. She's nice to him though, because she knows his fathers actions weren't his fault.

Extras: She thinks he's weird but she's chill.


Status: Enemy

How they met: Him being affiliated with her mother when they took over the club

Personal Sentiments: She hates him for taking Clara and brainwashing her too, and also y'know the time he raped her to 'test' things he would do with Clara.

Extras: Bad doggy.


Status: Enemy

How they met: They technically haven't formally met, but she's heard of him.

Personal Sentiments: She hates him for his crimes against the kids and how he manipulated Vanny.

Extras: L old man.


Status: Enemy

How they met: Him being affiliated with her mother when they took over the club

Personal Sentiments: She hates him due to how he treated her (she dreaded every time he came up to her stage) and when she saw him and Grace together, it made her blood boil.

Extras: If she saw he was alive, she'd use her strings to burn his dick off.

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